WSJ says officials from US and Israel working together on plan that could see a US-run facility on Saudi soil; unnamed Israeli officials says there would be 'a lot' of safeguards

Opposition leader, who shares view on TV network too, reportedly tells visiting Dems giving Riyadh enrichment capabilities would harm region

Asked about Riyadh's widely reported demand that US back its civilian nuclear program, bin Farhan says kingdom prefers support from US but notes there are other potential 'bidders'

'We are in a very dangerous space in the region,' Al-Saud says, adding that Riyadh 'skeptical' about prospect of reviving 2015 nuclear deal

Revolutionary Guard reportedly arrests 'network' to disrupt activities at Fordo, where Tehran has refused access to surveillance camera footage by IAEA

Scientist also accused of giving nuclear know-how to Libya, North Korea; was placed under effective house arrest in 2004 after admitting he shared tech with the 3 rogue nations

British nuclear scientist warns Abu Dhabi may be planning weapons program; even if not, threat from terrorists and natural disasters is not properly countered, he says