Iran insists atomic goals are peaceful, but has long been accused of secret weapons program; meanwhile, Tehran blames US and Israel for cyberattacks, explosions and assassinations

In interview with Iranian state media, Fakhrizadeh's children say bullet shattered windshield of vehicle their father was driving; he was shot at least four times as he fled

Iranian FM Zarif claims that 'unlike the UK and allies, Iran believes nukes and all WMDs are barbaric & must be eradicated’

Amir Hatami warns 'enemies of humanity' will use any means to achieve war goals, including biological warfare

Reactor appears to be getting most extensive new construction work in decades, satellite photos show; reason unclear

Iran leader also warns it may enrich uranium to 60%, as it further steps away from nuclear deal; top US diplomat says DC willing to reenter pact if Tehran in ‘strict compliance’

In keeping with ayatollah's fatwa, Tehran insists its atomic program has 'always been peaceful and will remain peaceful'

Security officials were unaware that rioters came close to 'nuclear football' until footage of US vice president broadcast by Democratic impeachment managers

Diplomats tell Wall Street Journal UN agency seeking explanations for radioactive materials found in locations Tehran blocked access to last year

Accords opposed by 9 countries known or believed to possess nuclear weapons — US, Russia, Britain, China, France, India, Pakistan, North Korea and Israel — as well as NATO
