YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of the Glogover Rebbe, HaRav Aryeh Leibish Rubin ZATZAL. He was 67. The Rebbe contracted COVID-19 in March, and was hospitalized and placed on a ventilator at the time. He unfortunately never recovered, was placed on dialysis, and was in and out of the hospital. He was Niftar at his home on Friday morning. The Rebbe served as a Menahel at the Spinka Cheder in Boro Park for more than 40 years. The Levaya was held on Friday morning at his Bais Medrash on 1814 55th Street. Boruch Dayan HaEmmes… (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

The Hisachudus HaRabbanim (CRC), originally founded by the Satmar Rov (Divrei Yoel) ZATZAL, published a pubic announcement on Thursday condemning the recent protests in Boro Park in the strongest terms and calling to adhere to all health regulations, including the wearing of masks. “The difficult situation we’re facing recently is well-known, with the coronavirus spreading and many succumbing to it,” the Rabbanim stated. “We hope to Hashem Yisbarach, the Healer of the sick, that we won’t suffer further tzaar but it is from Hashem that recently the virus has begun to spread anew. The government published strict warnings regarding several frum neighborhoods and ordered the closing of shuls and Torah institutions and the restriction or closure of businesses.

This video below says it all. It was taken today, October 15, on Fillmore Avenue and Marine Parkway at the Marine Park basketball court. Zero compliance. No masks. No social distancing whatsoever. Yet – there is no Sheriff, no Police, no DOH, no DOB, no FDNY, no media. NO ENFORCEMENT WHATSOEVER. Is it because these are non-Jews playing in this park? Or is it because just about every single NYC inspectors is busy shutting down Shuls and Jewish-owned business? Why during a pandemic only some communities lose their constitutionally protected rights while others don’t? (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Rockland County Executive Ed Day and County Health Commissioner Dr. Patricia Schnabel Ruppert has announced a new Commissioner’s Standing Order related to COVID-19. This order requires that all educational institutions, childcare programs and school transportation companies, are responsible to require and ensure that all children and students over age two cover their noses and mouths with acceptable face coverings at all times, other than during approved mask breaks where students can maintain social distancing. “It is critical that we do everything within our power to protect the children of our community,” said County Executive Ed Day. “This Order gives our inspectors the ability to issue fines to the businesses and institutions responsible for the safety of our children.

Three Rockland County Shuls are suing New York state and Gov. Andrew Cuomo, saying he engaged in a “streak of anti-Semitic discrimination” with a recent crackdown on religious gatherings to reduce the state’s coronavirus infection rate. The Manhattan federal court lawsuit filed late Wednesday accused the Democrat of making negative, false, and discriminatory statements about the Jewish Orthodox community as he imposed new coronavirus measures to counter the state’s rising infection rate in so-called “red zone” areas. Cuomo’s statements and actions were painful for residents in an area north of New York City where a man invaded a Chanukah celebration in December and stabbed or slashed five people, the lawsuit said. Grafton Thomas awaits trial after pleading not guilty.

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com On the one hand, he is perceived by many asboth lovable and adorable.  His speech patterns, his angelic and child-like facial countenance, remind us all of that cutey-pie roly-poly little boy who was cutely defiant of the teacher and principal back in fifth or sixth grade – a defiance that always exacerbated both of them.  It is just that that cutey-pie little boy is now 58 years old. On the other hand, his antics and statements have inspired hundreds to openly defy authority.  The first time that most Jews outside of Boro Park really heard about him was when he went around with bolt-cutters in hand, opening parks that the city had bolted shut.  There were cheers, praises, and ovations.

I was originally hesitant to write this letter however I decided that I can’t watch what’s currently taking place in religious neighborhoods and remain silent. If for no other reason at all, I’ll be able to say ”Yadai loi shufach es hadam hazeh”. The Coronavirus is child’s play when compared to the potential devastation that is silently growing and metastasizing by the day. This new catastrophe cannot be cured by Remdesivir or any other legend drug. Furthermore the antidote would not be social distancing as from what I understand from 70+ years ago, there was no social distancing or masks in the gas chambers! It is irrelevant that President Trump moved the American embassy to Jerusalem and helped Jews in other ways, we Yidden are putting ourselves in a bigger Makom Sakana every day.

I’m a simple person. I ain’t no doctor. I ain’t no Rov. I can’t tell you if masks will stop/slow the virus or if masks are killing more people than Aunt ‘Rona. (It is a bug, no? I ain’t no immunologist either.) But, I’ve been wearing a mask. Why? Well, because as a simple person, I see things simply: The community doctor asked us to wear a mask – so I wear a mask. The community Rov asked us to wear a mask – so I wear a mask. Are they in on some conspiracy? Are they compelled by government pressure? Maybe, maybe not. But, they asked – so I listen. Simple, no? Do I get confounded, tzumished, and tzutumuled by conducting my own ‘independent’ research (-with Google, everyone is now a certified “researcher”!) to see what other white coats claim?

As he promised to do, NY Governor Cuomo signed a new “Executive Order” to withhold funds from private schools (Yeshivas) that are open in COVID-19 “Red Zones”. On a media conference call on Wednesday morning, Cuomo went hard on the Yeshivas and warned private school operators to not suddenly announce they’re operating as “day care centers” instead. Those have separate regulations and licensing and the state will enforce that as well. “If schools are operating it’s easy enough to find out,” Cuomo said, citing two recent news reports about yeshivas operating despite restrictions imposed last week.

NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio thinks himself justified for the draconian lockdown measures he and Gov Cuomo recently imposed on Boro Park and other community’s in Brooklyn. In a recent press conference on Oct 7, he told reporters that, “We want to protect everyone. This is based on data and science.” However no less an authority than the World Health Organization (WHO) has condemned the widespread use of lockdowns as the primary method taken to contain COVID-19. In an interview with Andrew Neil of The Spectator magazine, Dr David Nabarro, the WHO’s Special Envoy on COVID-19 said, “We really do appeal to all world leaders: stop using lockdown as your primary control method.” He then went on to cite the many real-world problems that lockdowns cause.
