UN-backed initiative Covax is set to provide 20% of Palestinians' inoculations for free, but the timeline is uncertain -- and the rest of the needed shots are up in the air

In Gaza, main coronavirus laboratory not processing new tests for second day as it awaits shipment of kits

Israel hands over full NIS 3.7 billion in tax revenues it collects on Palestinians' behalf, despite law requiring withholding amount PA pays security detainees and families

With tourists barred and PA imposing nightly curfew to curb mounting infections, Jesus' birthplace set for massively scaled-down celebrations

Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki says Ramallah is in indirect contact with incoming Biden team, expresses cautious optimism about US president-elect

Netanyahu urges move as infections remain high among Arab Israelis, saying travel restrictions recommended by Health Ministry only partially implemented

Report says unemployment in the West Bank is at 18.2% and at 48.5% in hard-hit Gaza

Authorities flout court order for release of Nizar Banat, who was arrested after posting a video panning PA's decision to renew Israel ties

Ramallah recalled its envoys to Manama and Abu Dhabi after the two countries announced their intention to normalize ties with Israel, decrying the deals as 'a stab in the back'

Six months after ending relations with Jerusalem in protest over now-ditched sovereignty plan, Ramallah announces that all ties 'will return to their previous state'
