After months of deliberations and with Jerusalem vehemently opposed, pre-trial chamber set to rule on international court's authority to investigate incidents in West Bank, Gaza

Eight-month-old was scheduled to have heart surgery in Israel, but Palestinians ceased handling entry permit requests in protest of planned Israeli annexation

Annual report singles out PA president for changeable statements 'that appear to contradict and undermine his prior commitments'

With ties halted due to Palestinian Authority's attempt to stop annexation bid, Strip's sick have nobody to contact to facilitate emergency treatment in Israel

Madrid rolls back lockdown to save economy while US president is accused of placing politics ahead of safety to keep confirmed cases down; virus overshadows summer solstice in UK

Most of the ill in new infections spike said to be around Hebron; number of active cases in West Bank has reportedly doubled over past three days

Another death raises toll to 304 as daily diagnoses continue steady rise, government tightens restrictions in hotspots; Palestinians report spike in West Bank cases as well

PA leader understands his people have no appetite for another intifada, and so is focusing his efforts on the global arena, hoping a dozen EU countries will recognize Palestine

Palestinian Authority has yet to see a severe spike in cases, but officials raise red flags, concerned about increase in cases within Israel

If Israel goes ahead with annexation, PA concerned IDF may seize confidential documents, as it did during Second Intifada
