Abbas adviser says PA looking for 'clear declaration' against US peace proposal at meeting of Arab League, many of whose members have been cautious not to condemn the initiative

Hussein Al-Sheikh says Ramallah had hoped position would be 'much better,' frets Arab nations will be a 'dagger in the side' of Palestinians'

PA transportation minister says 5,000 tires entered coastal enclave on Wednesday; human rights groups say embargo had created safety hazard for motorists

The 'Deal of the Century' has united the Palestinian in opposition, and if Israel annexes West Bank territory, it could be remembered as the trigger for a third intifada

PA leader rejects Trump peace outline in speech to Palestinian leaders, saying 'Jerusalem is not for sale'; reaffirms commitment to opposing terrorism

Another Arab lawmaker labels Trump 'chairman of Likud — White House branch,' says Palestinians won't settle for less than a 'Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital'

Demonstrators in Gaza City and elsewhere burn pictures of Trump and Netanyahu, but show rare support for Abbas ahead of rare joint meeting; protests also reported near Israel fence

Ahmad Yousif argues that policy document issued in May 2017 attempting to show terror group was reformed failed to open doors to West by coming too late

Administration peace proposal, set to be unveiled Tuesday, has been described as anti-Palestinian by senior officials in West Bank and Gaza

President said to tell officials he will allow street protests, with 'difficult days' ahead; Gulf states expected to generally back proposal, unless it allows immediate annexation
