Advocates call for the release of at-risk prisoners amid concerns the infection could spread through the prison system

West Bank's al-Quds University researchers aim to produce 500 units of their invention in the coming days, then begin exporting

Envoy hails 'excellent' cooperation between Israel and Palestinians in fighting COVID-19 and world body pushes ahead with resolution supporting ceasefires in face of pandemic

Only Palestinians in certain essential industries okayed to enter country, and will need to stay in Israel for month or more, Defense Ministry says

New State Department report ditches traditional term 'Palestinian residents' in move that continues Trump administration’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

Erekat says projected victory by Netanyahu mean a continuation of conflict; Hamas says vote between 'alien settlers' does not change anything

Rights groups claim discrimination, but online retailer tells Financial Times discrepancy is only due to 'logistical issue'

Jerusalem officials voice concern the list could be used to justify a large-scale boycott, accuse the UN of anti-Semitism and bias

If the Bridge Over The Valley school and the rest of Israel's Triangle region ends up in Palestine, one Jewish mom says she'd still send her kids; other residents far less sanguine

Ali Khamenei says 'stupid' American peace plan negotiates with 'Zionists over what belongs to the Palestinians,' will 'die' before US president does
