Top diplomats to hold video talks with US counterpart as sides move apart on Israel, ICC and China

Villagers slated to be engulfed by annexed territory oppose US proposal and say they'd reject Israeli citizenship even if offered

PA says 6,000 want to come back to West Bank or Gaza, but facilitating return is extremely complicated; some open online campaign to 'bring us back home'

Social media users, politicians compare cases of George Floyd and Iyad Halak; PLO releases cartoon suggesting Israeli support for American police violence

'Palestine from the river to the sea is the property of the Palestinian people and they shall return to it,' says Hezbollah leader, adding that America is the 'real enemy'

Amman accuses Jerusalem of taking advantage of attention on coronavirus crisis to implement 'unilateral moves on the ground'

While Israeli leaders hail strategy, nearby countries fare better. 'They're wrong to say we did a great job,' says one former Health Ministry director, but others aren't so sure

Michael Mirilashvili sends GEN-M machine, which exacts potable water from air, to Gaza hospital, says he hopes to deliver enough units to meet the Strip's daily needs within a year

The neighborhood Kafr Aqab - inside the Jerusalem municipality but outside the West Bank separation barrier - has largely been left on its own to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic

Yahya Hassan's poetry criticized a claimed culture of hypocrisy underpinning Denmark’s Muslim population; police looking into circumstances of death
