by Rabbi Yair Hoffman It is called Sporcle. 1, Download the app. (You can scan the QR code.) 2. Open a Pirkei Avos – Perek 1.   Beat the other players and win a free pizza. 3. The game will start at 11:45 PM 4. The code to press is 924 660 Email to register […]

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the S’fas Tamim Foundation In this week’s parsha, Shmini, shortly after the passing of Aharon’s two sons, Nadav and Avihu, Moshe questioned the remaining sons: “Why did you not eat from sin-offering?”  The sin-offering was supposed to have be eaten by the Kohanim.  Instead, the entire offering was burned. Aharon […]

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for The Talmud (Brachos 43b) tells us that during the month of Nissan, when one goes out and sees trees blossoming recites the blessing, “Who has not left lacking in His world etc.”  [The blessing is recited upon fruit trees that are blossoming]. On this small section of the Gemorah, […]

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for The essential point of reciting shira is to embed Emunah in our hearts and souls. The generation of Enosh erred in praising and eventually worshipping the celestial creations that Hashem created. This led the world into idolatry. The Shira rectified that error, and is thus termed by Chazal as […]

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for “Rabbi, we have this great new dip recipe for Matzah. It has olive oil, rosemary, salt, crushed red hot pepper, and whole and freshly crushed garlic. May I crush the garlic on Yom Tov itself?” The short answer is yes, but with a shinui – doing it in a […]

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for What follows is a brief overview of some of the laws of second day Yom Tov.  In countries outside of Eretz Yisroel (the diaspora) on Jewish holidays, two days of Yom Tov are kept instead of one.  On Sukkos and Pesach, this applies to the first days and also […]

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Sfas Tamim Foundation The Sefas Tamim Foundation emphasizes the primacy of Everyday Emes in our everyday lives through educational and inspirational program study of Halacha, Mussar and Chizuk. QUESTION:  My spouse [gender made neutral]  is kind of extreme in dealing with the thermostat in the house.  When it is […]

By Rabbi Yair

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for A NEW METHOD OF COUNTING SEFIRA  ACCORDING TO RAV AHARON KOTLER Written in honor of the author’s new twin granddaughters, Esther and Sara Hoffman ****Only $5700 left for this Maos Chittim cause – an almanah and a single mom*** During the seven weeks of the Omer, Klal Yisroel […]

Molid on Yom Tov

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for The head of a match is made of sulfur, glass powder, phosphorus and an oxidizing agent. When the match is struck on Yom Tov two things happen: • The first thing that happens is the friction caused by the glass powder rubbing together produces enough heat to turn a […]

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for On Wednesday, we will all be making an Eiruv Tavshilim.  Generally speaking, we use an egg and a Matzah for an Eruv Tavshillin.  But should we?  Whatever happened to Hidur Mitzvah – doing a Mitzvah in the best possible way? Let;s come back to this, later. Whenever any day […]
