by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for The Kinos were meant to be said in a slow dirge in rhyme.  That is how they were written.  When it is read in English – this is lost.  There is something unique that takes hold of you w

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman It is kind of hard to properly translate the term, “Zrizin Makdimin L’Mitzvos.”  We can use the term, “the “Vigilant Perform Mitzvos at First Opportunity (VPMAFO).”  What is the source of this concept and what are it’s parameters?  What follows are ten aspe

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman Yes, it is true.

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman The primary dictionary definition of the term “disrespect” that is often found in dictionaries is, “the lack of showing respect.” Other dictionaries offer the following definition: “acting rude, impolite, or offensively.” The general intent of these definitions is tha
