The Window Opened or Closed Debate By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for H.M. versus A.M.  These are the initials of two young women. They have been arguing since they were in the third grade.   They are now in high school.  HM wanted the window opened – even though it was winter. AM wanted the window […]

Achdus and Tragedy

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for On both Tuesday night and Wednesday night of this week there were gatherings in two local shuls – Beth Shalom and Ohr Torah respectively.  The gatherings were Tehillim sessions, organized by individuals. They were Tehillim sessions for the victims of the horrific tragedy that occurred last Motzei Shabbos – […]

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for “You’re not my mother! So I don’t have to honor you.” “Yes you still do, young lady.” Everyone knows about the Mitzvah of honoring parents – it is one of the Ten Commandments.  Indeed, according to the Gemorah in Kiddushin, it is also one of the natural laws that […]

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for What is Asarah B’Teives all about? On the 10th of Teives, Nevuchadnetzar, the evil king of Bavel began the siege against Yerushalayim during the time of the first Beis HaMikdash. This siege continued for three years until the walls were finally breached on the ninth day of Tamuz. This […]

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for Many people are aware of some the dangers of poorly manufactured Chanukah glass. Truthfully, they are not made of glass but rather a type of plastic. They are dangerous and, in this author’s opinion, should not be used on account of the danger associated with using them. If one […]

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for Noted Talmid Chochom, Rav Yehudah Schiff Shlita, spoke this Shabbos Chanukah at Kollel Avreichim of Far Rockaway and the Five Towns. He dealt with the nature of the obligation of Hallel on Chanukah. TOSFOS He began with Tosfos in Sukkah (38a “Mi”) who differentiates between the Hallel recited on […]

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times] There are a number of fascinating halachic debates concerning where Yeshiva students should be lighting their Chanukah menorahs. When dealing with in-town Yeshivos, there are hundreds of Yeshiva boys who eat supper in Yeshiva but who sleep nearby in their own homes. Where should these […]

(By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for It is Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Chanukah.  And when Rosh Chodesh falls on Shabbos – there is a fascinating yet unresolved halachic question. As a preface, we know that Rosh Chodesh is a special and festive occasion that symbolizes the renewal of the Jewish people. It is for this reason […]

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for Be prepared for hundreds of fascinating rulings in halacha from Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita. Reb Shimon Brecher z”l was an extraordinary individual whom Klal Yisroel had lost to COVID at a relatively young age.  He passed away in October of last year.  Reb Shimon, or Shimi, lived in Lakewood, […]

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt was a guest at the White House Chanukah lighting.  It is this author’s view that he performed a Kiddush Hashem in strictly following halacha, as is clear from the video.  How so?  He followed the halachic view of Ner Ish uVaiso and did not recite […]
