Senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur on why the speaker of the Knesset is threatening not to uphold a High Court decision; news editor Amy Spiro on a forgotten 1974 terrorist attack

Diplomatic reporter Lazar Berman reviews FM Cohen's Bahrain trip and Tom Friedman's critique; legal affairs reporter Jeremy Sharon summarizes the AG-justice minister conflict

Knesset correspondent Carrie Keller-Lynn discusses latest compromise efforts, plus PM's trip to Cyprus; Arab affairs reporter Gianluca Pacchiani looks at Libyan Jewish perspective

Political correspondent Tal Schneider on attorney general's stances, what PM & FM aim to accomplish on overseas trips; religion reporter Canaan Lidor spends a day in south Tel Aviv

Editor David Horovitz on violent Shabbat clashes in Tel Aviv, poor diplomacy with Libya; military reporter Emanuel Fabian on rioting on Gaza border, Thursday's deadly terror attack

Picking up from last summer's podcast with two Israeli counselors at Camp Ramah in the Poconos, first-time staffer Yishai Mogilner talks about returning to his family's camp

NEW YORK (Yaakov M / VIN Podcast) — The woke left is wrecking our country. The headlines below are accurate and factual.

Legal affairs reporter Jeremy Sharon and analyst Haviv Rettig Gur discuss Yariv Levin's frustration with government's top lawyer and Justice Yosef Elron's bid to lead High Court
