To all those so-called “conservatives” who insisted that Joe Biden would be better for the country than Donald Trump… Are you ready to admit you were dead wrong? CLICK HERE to listen to the latest episode of the Yaakov M Show It’s not an opinion. Trump was light-years better than Biden. I don’t care about […]

Tal Schneider on a long-awaited Israeli field hospital and a rabbi who brought Herzog and Erdogan together; Judah Ari Gross on how Israel is paving the way for Ukrainian aliya

CLICK HERE to listen to the latest episode of the Yaakov M Show In his latest episode, Yaakov discusses: Analysis of the dreadful new Secular studies rules proposed by NYS that would force yeshivos to comply Why gas prices are completely Biden’s fault New York’s Governor Hochul is giving first license to sell marijuana – […]

News editor Amy Spiro breaks down Ukrainian refugee caps and personal status conflicts; Palestinian affairs reporter Aaron Boxerman updates us on the controversial Citizenship Law

IRAN (VINnews) — With the holiday of Purim coming up, that takes place in Persia, we commemorate evil turning around to good. How apropos that today we have the pleasure of speaking with Esther Amini who grew up in a Persian-Jewish household. Esther wrote a heart wrenching memoir titled Concealed where the reader can see […]

Editor David Horovitz and diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman update us on the war in Ukraine and how Israel could - and should - step up; Siloam Inscription explained

Lior Raz and Avi Issacharoff discuss their new storyline and the challenges of writing drama with commentary from docu filmmaker Oren Rosenfeld, maker of 'The Real Fauda'

Political reporter Carrie Keller-Lynn discusses Israel's mediation bid and Knesset news; US correspondent Jacob Magid reviews Palestinians on Russia, and USAID and Iron Dome funds

On Tuesday, President Biden shrugged off the massive spike in gas prices. Biden falsely claimed that it’s Putin’s fault and there is nothing that he can do. Biden is being disingenuous. He can do a whole lot more to boost the production of oil and natural gas in the U.S., and dramatically lower prices and […]

Brief interview with Diaspora Minister Shai; senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur on race and responses to Ukraine; health reporter Nathan Jeffay with a blitz of new Israeli research
