Political writer Tal Schneider and US correspondent Jacob Magid discuss the latest NSO disclosures, coalition tremors, Bennett-Biden call and Palestinian Authority real estate

Palestinian affairs correspondent Aaron Boxerman weighs in on the civil unrest in the PA and Gaza; Jewish World editor Yaakov Schwartz reports on the Lev Tahor cult from Bosnia

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — What people talk about all the time, and one of the most important goals that everyone hopes to achieve, is also what politicians campaigning promise to fix or make happen. And that is world peace. We all want world peace. We crave it. We need it. Not a day goes by where […]

Diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman discusses Ukraine and Iran, and military reporter Judah Ari Gross offers an overview of Defense Minister Benny Gantz's trip to Bahrain

Filmmaker Daniel Sivan talks about the discovery and making of 'Camp Confidential,' currently shortlisted for the Academy Awards

Tech editor Ricky Ben-David discusses the latest NSO news, food prices and an acquittal in Cyprus as deputy editor Amanda Borschel-Dan reflects on recent archaeological discoveries

News editor Amy Spiro dives into the Whoopi Goldberg hoopla and the Winter Olympics; diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman breaks down Amnesty International's recent report

US reporter Jacob Magid discusses what really happened with the 'Kotel compromise' and political correspondent Tal Schneider looks at a Knesset vote on yeshiva student exemptions

NEW YORK (VINnews) — Kenneth Abramowitz, a threat analyst and author of The Multi Front War says in his book that America doesn’t know it yet, but our country is fighting an international war. The fact is that the war is being waged on various fronts, both internal and external. Today Baila and Cindy from […]

Diplomatic writer Lazar Berman updates us on why recently deceased Esther Pollard is a household name in Israel and health reporter Nathan Jeffay presents an optimistic new study
