Israel Nature and Parks Authority opens probe into circumstances leading to their deaths

Israel Nature and Parks Authority hopes Jewish new year will be better than last, when 12 of the endangered birds were poisoned

Dead animals found in Mitzpe Ramon, in blow to endangered population of around 1,500; nature authorities to perform autopsies

Iranian opposition outlet says Ayoob Entezari, who worked on missiles and drones, died last week after attending a dinner party, the host of which has since fled

Israeli-Russian billionaire's symptoms said to include painful, tearing eyes, skin peeling from face and hands; sources blame Moscow hardliners who oppose peace talks

Three of the children arrive at Soroka Hospital unconscious, but doctors manage to stabilize them; 3 people have died in apparent similar circumstances this winter

Amendment to Wildlife Act, introduced by Meretz's Mossi Raz and passed in preliminary Knesset reading, seeks to protect vultures, other animals from poisoning by farmers

Nature and Parks Authority says two dead dogs also discovered; one of the birds had been fitted with a radio transmitter; all corpses to be examined

Nature and Parks Authority suspects malicious poisoning after corpses located next to dead goat in Judean Desert

Rangers find 20 carcasses near Kadita in Galilee, suspect deliberate poisoning with pesticide
