Survey predicts Smotrich will fail to return to Knesset unless party merges with Otzma Yehudit, now polling at 8-9 seats, in blow to Netanyahu bid to ride right back to premiership

Flash surveys show ex-IDF chief's merger with Gantz, Sa'ar gives them 2 more seats max, while Knesset blocs remain largely unchanged; but Shaked's Zionist Spirit may suffer effects

Latest survey has opposition leader just one short of the required minimum to form a government; the bloc led by Lapid forecast to win 54 seats

Party would win 13 seats, compared to 10 under Smotrich, Channel 13 poll finds, in good news for far-right MK, who has been seeking a bigger slice in combined list negotiations

Only 26% of president's party want him to run again, citing age, other concerns; more than 75% of Americans say US going in wrong direction

Netanyahu promises 'full peace agreement' with Saudi Arabia if elected; Druze Likud MK fumes at low slot for 'minorities' representative; Hendel in talks with Shaked

Pew survey finds that Israel's government less popular among Americans than the country and its people itself, reaffirms Jewish state's poor standing among young Democrats

Ahead of visit by US president, surveys find public also almost universally pessimistic about the possibility of a breakthrough with the Palestinians

Latest election survey shows both Yamina and Meretz falling short of entering Knesset, while Likud nabs 36 mandates and Yesh Atid 23

Snap survey, taken before Bennett had announced he was handing party leadership to Shaked, puts potential Netanyahu-led bloc at 63 seats in the 120-member Knesset
