The death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is putting the Senate in unchartered political terrain. There’s no recent precedent for a confirmation vote so close to a presidential election. President Donald Trump on Saturday urged the Republican-run Senate to consider “without delay” his upcoming nomination, even with the Nov. 3 election nearing. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said there is “no doubt” the winner of that election should choose Ginsburg’s replacement. Plans were being set in motion Saturday for a swift and highly unusual nomination and confirmation in the heart of campaign season.

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin praised the peace deal between Baharain and Israel that was announced on Friday. “I praise the Prime Minister and the President of the United States and all of the other people who worked tirelessly in order to achieve this great success. I call on other Arab and Muslim states to broker peace with Israel, peace between nations, peace for peace. This is the beginning of a new Middle East and we are witnessing the paradigm shift with Baharain following and also normalizing relations with Israel.” The draft agreement that the Corona Cabinet created in a further attempt to slow the spread of the Coronavirus in Israel that will be brought to the government to ratify on Sunday, will include a full lockdown beginning on Friday, Erev Rosh Hashanah.

A team of law enforcement officers fatally shot a man suspected of being the gunman who killed a supporter of a right-wing group in Portland, Oregon, last week after a caravan of Donald Trump backers rode through downtown, the U.S. Marshals Service said Friday. Michael Forest Reinoehl, 48, was killed as a federal task force attempted to apprehend him near Lacey, Washington, about 120 miles (193 kilometers) north of Portland. Reinoehl was suspected in the killing of 39-year-old Aaron “Jay” Danielson, who was shot in the chest Saturday night, a senior Justice Department official told The Associated Press. Federal agents from the FBI and the U.S.

Following a directive that came from Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky telling Roshei Yeshivos that yeshiva students should stop being tested for coronavirus because it could lead to “mass Bitul Torah”, Coronavirus Commissioner Ronni Gamzu, chastised the Gadol Hador, and said that his words could “endanger the Chareidi public”. Rav Kanievsky was reportedly worried about the testing causing masses of students to be put in isolation until after Yom Kippur which would cause a massive amount of Bitul Torah. Recent statistics have shown that there has been a large spike in the number of Chareidim who have contracted the virus, especially in Yeshivos. One Yeshiva in Carmiel had 200 students test positive for the virus on Tuesday.

A person was shot at 9th Avenue and 42nd Street, Wednesday afternoon. The victim was driven by private vehicle to Maimonides Hospital in traumatic arrest, and was pronounced dead a short while later. An NYPD Level 1 Mobilization response was requested. Law enforcement sources tell YWN that the suspect may have fled in a grey Hyundai Sonata with “TLC” Plates. The suspect is a black male wearing a white tee shirt, red shirts with a beard. Boro Park Shomrim was on the scene as well. Meanwhile, a person was stabbed at 928 41st Street minutes after the shooting. FDNY EMS and the NYPD were on the scene. It was unknown if the incidents are connected.

Members of the Israeli-US delegation in the United Arab Emirates joined the local Jewish community for Shacharis on Tuesday morning at its shul in Abu Dhabi. Rav Levi Duchman, the leader of the local Jewish community and the only resident Rav in the UAE, led the tefillos. Also present at Shacharis was Solly Wolf, the head of the Dubai Jewish community, and Attorney Ross Kriel, the president of the Jewish Council of the Emirates (JCE), as well as other prominent businessmen in the Emirates. They were joined by Meir Ben-Shabbat, Prime Minister Netanyahu’s National Security Adviser, the head of the Israeli delegation, and religious Israeli journalists who are reporting on the historic trip.

Two men were killed in Brooklyn and at least a dozen other people have been wounded in a spate of shootings across the city this weekend. No arrests have been made in either of the killings, police said. At least a dozen other people were wounded in eight shootings across the city this weekend, according to police. As of Friday, the NYPD said they had responded to about 980 shootings in 2020, compared to 530 during the same time last year. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Israel’s Health Ministry announced that 1,831 people tested positive for COVID-19 on Friday out of 23,263 tests conducted. The percentage of people who took tests that were infected was more than 8 percent, a number that is much higher than in previous days. On Shabbos, the number rose to 8.9 percent of the people tested were found to have been infected with the virus. Over the course of Shabbos, 23 fires broke out in the Gaza periphery as a result of balloon bombs fired from Gaza. Firefighters and KK”L workers were active throughout the day in putting out the fires.

An arsonist torched a University of Delaware’s Chabad Center, investigators revealed Wednesday. On Tuesday, shortly after 11 p.m., a fire damaged the building on the 200 block of South College Avenue which houses the Chabad Center. Firefighters arrived at the scene and spotted flames shooting from the structure. They were able to bring the fire under control and no injuries were reported. The fire caused extensive damage. The Delaware Fire Marshal’s office later determined the blaze was intentionally set. A criminal investigation is underway. A fund has been launched on The Chesed Fund to help the Chabad House rebuild. STAY WITH YWN WHATSAPP FOR BREAKING UPDATES IN LIVE TIME!  YWN WHATSAPP STATUS UPDATES: CLICK HERE to join the YWN WhatsApp Status.

Flatbush Hatzolah is alerting their membership of the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases. The internal memo sent to their members states that they have transported a few COVID-19 cases to the hospital in the past few weeks, and reminds their EMT’s and Paramedics to take all precautions, and wear all protective equipment when responding to emergency calls. The memo, (attached below), ends off with asking their members to say Tehillim for a 57-year-old Boro Park resident that is in critical condition with COVID-19 and has been placed on a ventilator. His name is Moshe Yehuda ben Necha Faiga.
