Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi has vowed to drastically cut funding from Kan in a bid to engender competition, but observers say his plans are misguided and dangerous

Communications minister hits out at Yair Katz, who suggests Karhi is seeking 'revenge against Kan's employees... because they don't cheer you on enough'

Public broadcaster programs to be aired for Israeli viewers only, with proceeds heading to new programming

Report says coalition putting aside plans in bid limit distractions as it tries to push through its contentious judicial overhaul legislation

Amid coalition desire to slash Kan's funds and push Israel's only public broadcaster out of business, reporters warn against 'tycoons' owning all news stations

Organizers say they 'share in pain and mourning' of victims' families; speakers at Tel Aviv rally to include former police chief Roni Alsheich, who led Netanyahu corruption probe

Stars also hit out at planned judicial overhaul, saying that both steps are attempts to stifle democracy; vow to attend mass protests set for Saturday night

Actors, directors, writers gather to express their opposition to communication minister's plan to cut funding and instead rely on free market to produce shows

Kan's director says Shlomo Karhi's push to slash funding would lead to closure of outlet; he vows it will continue broadcasting 'despite threats to its very existence'

Shlomo Karhi declares Kan network should be axed, IDF-operated Army Radio should be privatized, accuses media of being 'too biased to the left'
