Dozens depart in latest election's political culling -- from longest-serving lawmaker to some of the briefest, as well as 3 women of 3 faiths who each made history in their own way

Israel’s electoral system facilitates infidelity by letting blocs break up easily; with big parties unable to trust those hitching a ride, smaller factions may be left in the cold

Netanyahu has no coalition without Naftali Bennett. Neither does Gideon Sa'ar. The fight is on

Yair Lapid tweets: 'I value and respect Moshe Ya'alon very much and wish him luck,' as yet another party is expected to join the already-crowded field of the March election

Peretz ends rocky reign as head of right-wing party that bolted allies to enter coalition, saying it needs 'new face'; move seen as opening door for fresh alliance with Bennett

Ya'alon, Lapid reportedly fail to agree on terms on continued partnership; Bennett's party in talks with faction whose leader, Rafi Peretz, seems poised to retire

In wake of Avi Cohen's diagnosis, Jerusalem Affairs Raft Peretz also tests positive for COVID-19, resulting in three other ministers being ordered into quarantine

Zeev Elkin, Orly Levy-Abekasis and Yaakov Avitan go into isolation as a result of contact with Jerusalem affairs minister, who announced diagnosis on Saturday evening

3 Likud MKs, 3 of their aides ordered to quarantine after coming into contact with virus carrier; 1,193 new infections, 11 deaths recorded over Shabbat

Nir Barkat, Aida Touma-Sliman, Tehila Friedman join growing list of government officials in isolation, including 3 ministers and the IDF chief of staff
