Education program based on study and action engages students by having them campaign for one of three endangered 'biodiversity hotspots' -- and helping to save the winner

Steven Donziger says it's time to force the oil giant to pay a court-ordered $9.5 billion for rainforest oil pollution. Chevron: The judgement was 'fraudulent'

UK Prime Minister Johnson to warn forests are essential for survival, but campaigners want action sooner to save the planet's lungs

Uri Shanas provides a platform for those wanting to help the environment, letting them vote on which parcel of threatened land should be purchased for preservation

French president says world leaders nearing agreement on how to help battle blazes and repair damage, though it's unclear whether Brazil will accept offer

Harvard-educated Mark Plotkin does a literal take on tikkun olam by fighting deforestation and working to preserve untouched societies in the heart of the Amazon rainforest