Kushner saw recent Trump break with Senator Jim Inhofe, who has long opposed US recognizing Rabat's hold on Western Sahara, as opportunity to push a deal

Journalist Ronen Bergman, former agents Victor Ostrovsky, Ram Ben-Barak give Israeli TV theoretical look at how assassinations work, following hit on Iranian scientist Fakhrizadeh

Ex-CIA official: Israel striking in enemy territory in 'unprecedented' manner and Iranians seem unable to stop it; Israeli minister: Fakhrizadeh's assassination good for the world

Knesset Finance Committee sends legislation to the plenum after rowdy meeting, during which opposition MKs cudgel coalition members for 'trolling the country'

One of the lawmakers exposed met with other colleagues; Israeli embassy in Germany closes after envoy, diplomat test positive for coronavirus -- both say they're feeling well

Tzachi Hanegbi says he was given 10-minute notice not to attend swearing-in, was already in parliament; 2 Blue and White MKs stay away after contact with man whose wife has virus

MKs from across political spectrum commend Trump for assassination seen as game changer for Jewish state, but MK in Arab-majority party denounces 'American thuggery'

With 7 days remaining for Blue and White leader for form government, Rivlin meets with Liberman, says he's 'available to the sides for any further clarification' on his unity plan

Blue and White leader says 'difficult decisions' are needed in campaign against terrorism; other opposition MKs accuse Netanyahu of ordering assassination for personal gain

Ram Ben-Barak says that in saying Likud is 'black and we are white' he intended to distinguish between 'darkness and light, fascist and liberal'
