Top infectious disease expert loses temper when Roger Marshall accuses him of hiding financial disclosure forms; accuses Rand Paul of using the pandemic for political gain

Rand Paul insisting that $1b in supplemental aid for missile defense system come out of US assistance to Afghanistan; could delay bill's passage until at least February

Progressive senator tells Schumer replenishing system would be irresponsible without also addressing 'destruction' in coastal enclave, which he says should also receive $1 billion

Rand Paul's move slows Democratic colleague's effort to advance legislation by unanimous consent to grant $1 billion for missile defense system, but bill still certain to pass

Rand Paul, who opposes foreign assistance of all kinds, blocks Upper House version of bill passed by House from going straight to for a vote; but it's still expected to pass

GOP attacks aimed at blocking Dilawar Syed's nomination at Small Business Administration reportedly cite his membership on board of Muslim advocacy group that is critical of Israel

Republican, who was at Capitol Hill last Wednesday, says he has shown no symptoms and is in quarantine

Senator Tim Kaine says 4 Republicans are willing to support bill requiring Trump to seek authority from Congress if military hostilities with Iran last more than 30 days

Nonbinding statement affirming Congress role in declaring war passed the House last week; Republican leader McConnell urges Democrats not to 'screw up' US deterrence in Mideast

In rare move against another country's top diplomat, Washington freezes Mohammad Javad Zarif's assets, appearing to close door on negotiations
