In parliament speech, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin acknowledges damages from the punitive measures after year of war, but vows quick recovery
Medvedev declares relations with West 'worst in history,' warns chances of 'nuclear apocalypse' grow each day Ukraine receives foreign-supplied weapons
Observance muddled by Ukraine war-induced price hike on holiday treats; Mideast leaders aim to get through period without greater Israeli-Palestinian unrest
Pair hold series of highly choreographed encounters, including 7-course banquet; discuss 'strategic cooperation,' and reducing reliance on Western markets
Ukraine insists it still has not been told how to access $200 million loan guarantee; Israeli diplomats say Monday meeting was friendly, projects moving ahead
Chinese president says looking to adopt a 'new vision' for ties; Beijing slams 'politicization' at International Criminal Court after it issued arrest warrant for Russian leader
'They shifted strategy and look at the result,' former British PM says of pro-Irish side's decision to lay down arms as part of Good Friday Agreement, ahead of upcoming anniversary
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