DS-SAR reconnaissance platform launched from Indian space center; reportedly to provide imagery for government agencies

Astronauts aboard International Space Station launch Tel Aviv University's TAU-SAT1, which will measure cosmic radiation around Earth

Anatoliy Daron, who recently died in US at 94, fled two Nazi massacres, lost his job in the Doctors' Plot, then, while living in a cramped shared flat, invented Sputnik's engine

Three months after launch, control of the state-of-the-art reconnaissance satellite is handed over from Defense Ministry to IDF

Defense minister hails Ofek 16 and country's other technologies as critical to security

A week after being launched into orbit, Ofek-16 undergoes initial systems checks before being made operational

Defense Ministry says Ofek-16, an 'optoelectronic reconnaissance satellite with advanced capabilities,' blasted off at 4 a.m., undergoing tests after entering orbit

When a procession of bright orbs crossed the country’s skies Wednesday evening, Israel’s Air Force and Space Agency were called in to investigate

After numerous failed launches, Iranian paramilitary force says it successfully sent 'Noor' into space; 'Iran doesn’t have that much to lose anymore,' one analyst says

After numerous failed launches, Iranian paramilitary force says it successfully sent 'Noor' into space; US has accused Tehran of using satellite launches to advance missile program
