At funeral for Sha'ar Hanegev council head Ofir Libstein, minister in war cabinet says only once destroyed areas in south have been rebuilt 'will we be victorious'

Murdered by Hamas terrorist in Kibbutz Kfar Aza, October 7

Yopi has developed a monitoring device worn on the wrist to measure cardiorespiratory fitness; startup plans to recruit 70 employees at Sha’ar Hanegev plant in southern Israel

Gantz had vowed 'harsh response' to continued rocket fire, but military doesn't strike Hamas sites overnight; Erez Crossing to reopen following assessment on Sunday

No sirens sound as one rocket falls short in Strip, 2nd hits open field; Palestinian said wounded after failed launch strikes residential area of Beit Hanoun

Army collected weapons of volunteers amid spate of robberies and planned to store them in centralized safes for distribution in times of emergency, but has yet to set them up

3 injured running to bomb shelter; uptick in violence comes amid high tensions, after Israel captured 4 of 6 Palestinian fugitives and Gaza ceasefire deal broke down

Military said to hit targets throughout Strip, after third consecutive day of fires sparked by incendiary balloons; Israel threatens to launch fresh campaign if attacks persist

Third consecutive day of attacks from Palestinian enclave as blazes erupt in Eshkol and Sha'ar Hanegev regions

Man suspected of pepper-spraying demonstrators near Ramat Gan, another of causing neck injury to protester in south, a third of assaulting participant at Jerusalem rally
