Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis maintains that restrictions need to remain for now due to still-high daily infection count; credits vaccine with decline in serious illnesses and death

Head of public health says 'Two Drops' campaign is aimed at kids born in 2005-2013 who may have only received one inoculation dose

Top health official recommends Jerusalem-area kids get first dose at 6 weeks, says there are at least dozens more asymptomatic cases but doesn't predict wave of infections

Health Ministry official calls statistic 'disturbing,' but Education Ministry official claims plan is working

Interior Minister Shaked tests positive for virus; WHO official says new Omicron sub-variant BA.2 is three times more infectious than original Omicron strain

Starting on Monday, Israelis will no longer have to flash Green Passes at restaurants, movie theaters, gyms and hotels, but will still have to do so at event halls and dance clubs

Transmission rate continues its steady decline and stays below 1, indicating a waning of the current wave of infections

Sharon Alroy-Preis contradicts reports that claim people who recovered from original variant have been diagnosed with new subvariant

Schools to open normally on Thursday despite strike threat, except in Jerusalem, northern Israel and parts of West Bank, where a snow day has been called

Report indicates labor chief called action at behest of top health official; government to ask court for emergency injunction against call for teachers to stay home
