Sharon Alroy-Preis had slammed a documentary criticizing government virus measures; plaintiff says he and 3 others retract case after judges recommend against proceeding further

Ministry director points finger at anti-vaccination activists; virus czar pans wider public's attitude toward officials fighting outbreak

Police minister says Sharon Alroy-Preis 'highly threatened,' adds other top Health Ministry officials could be provided protection if needed

Meir Preis, husband of Health Ministry COVID expert Sharon Alroy-Preis, tweets: 'Act now, before it's too late!'; Bennett pans 'anti-vaxxers' behind intimidation

Virus czar: Israeli kids to start getting inoculated after US counterparts, parents must 'protect their children'; Health chief Ash: Government go-ahead may come 'in several weeks'

PM warns further outbreaks 'could happen in another month, another six months, or not at all'; says finance minister agreed to 'one-time expansion of the 2022 budget framework'

Health Ministry said to weigh mandating quarantine for those who come in contact with patients infected with new strain, even if they are fully vaccinated

Since the beginning of October, there have been 35 cases of PIMS, which shows up 2-6 weeks after children recover from the coronavirus

Experts predict number of patients hospitalized in serious condition could drop to as low as 250 by end of month, amid growing signs of waning morbidity

Top Health Ministry official says an exceptions committee will look into such cases, which are believed to be rare
