Stocks also fall, as ex-finance minister Liberman blasts Netanyahu, Smotrich and Knesset finance panel chair for ignoring warnings of economic downturn

Leading US financial institution says it has 'a bearish bias' toward Israeli currency, warns 'political risk is likely to remain elevated' over government's judicial overhaul

Currency regains earlier losses after opposition's surprise win of seat on panel; Israeli shares close lower amid investor concern over ability to reach broad compromise

Recent comments by government representatives and selection process of judicial panel bring some confidence back to Israeli markets erasing most of the losses of the past two weeks

Continued shekel weakness is expected to make imported goods, including food and travel abroad, more expensive; economists see borrowing costs rising to 5% in coming months

Stores, banks, and offices around the country begin to close, joining the nationwide strike against the government's plans; Discount Bank warns of economic impact of unrest

Since the end of January, the shekel has 'significantly' underperformed global markets; investment bank sees further weakness risk for the currency in short term

Central bank lifts borrowing costs by 50 basis points citing inflation above 5%, shekel depreciation and concerns about fiscal expansion and wages

Weakening of Israeli currency as markets react to Omicron variant shows strong link between shekel and global stocks, says Nadine Baudot-Trajtenberg

Mood in Tel Aviv Stock Exchange is also dampened by Monday's US share slide; if fighting is prolonged then risk to market will increase in short term, Leumi economists say
