Vintage stores are sprouting up across Israel, competing with boutiques; they especially attract younger shoppers drawn by sustainability, unique designs, and price

Finnish delivery giant opens first grocery store in Neve Tzedek neighborhood, as Israel joins 17 other countries where company operates food retail and delivery logistics

Figure represents an increase of 22% on last year's purchases as part of international shopping craze

Agriculture Ministry investigating how torpedo-shaped alligator gar, illegal in Israel, got into the pond

6,000 cops to be deployed to enforce closure, with focus on dispersing gatherings and New Year's Eve parties and cracking down on quarantine violations

With shops and nature reserves set to close again on Sunday, people use last chance to shop, visit; police hand out fines to revelers ignoring health rules

Panel's decision to go into effect Saturday morning and last for five days; closures for two more Arab Israeli towns, Qalansawe and Buq'ata, also extended for another week

Managers of shopping centers have complained of discrimination as many other stores and commercial sites have returned to business

Some open illegally in protest, saying they need to feed their families; 815 new virus cases reported as testing levels increase

With long lines and crowds not adhering to distancing rules, some shops extend opening hours or shut down; stall owners at Tel Aviv market open illegally to protest their closure
