Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke on the phone briefly with U.S. prisoner and former Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard and his wife Esther on Tuesday afternoon. The Prime Minister congratulated them both on Pollard’s freedom after the five years of his post-prison parole restrictions ended last week, and Pollard was allowed to leave his home and even the United States. Netanyahu told Pollard that he and the rest of the country were awaiting them here in Israel and are ready for them to move. He told Pollard that Esther would receive the most advanced treatment in the world for her cancer. “You should have a comfortable life now that both of you can pursue your interests and take care of Esther with the best medical treatment in the world,” Netanyahu said.

The White House has given approval for Joe Biden to start receiving the president’s daily intelligence reports, an administration official has said. The bulletins, called the president’s daily brief, consists of a collection of classified intelligence reports and are prepared every day to give the US leader the latest on major security threats around the world. It comes as another sign that Donald Trump is backing away from contesting the transition of power to Biden – and is a day after he told his team to co-operate with the incoming administration. JOIN THE TENS OF THOUSANDS WHO ALREADY ARE ALERTED OF BREAKING NEWS LIKE THIS IN LIVE TIME: YWN WHATSAPP STATUS UPDATES: CLICK HERE to join the YWN WhatsApp Status.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, (D-Michigan) showed her her true hatred to Jews once again, after criticizing Joe Biden’s appointment for secretary of state, Anthony Blinken – A JEW. Blinken, the former deputy secretary of state during the Obama administration and a foreign policy adviser for Biden, was selected to head the State Department. “Tlaib took to Twitter and wrote: “So long as he doesn’t suppress my First Amendment right to speak out against Netanyahu’s racist and inhumane policies. The Palestinian people deserve equality and justice.” Her tweet immediately came under fire from a slew of people. The next day, Tlaib followed up her initial tweet condemning the Trump administration’s pro-Israel policy stance. “Sec.

The Satmar Shul that reportedly hosted a secret wedding with thousands of unmasked guests earlier this month is facing a hefty fine. Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday that Congregation Yetev Lev in Williamsburg has been fined a whopping $15,000. “We know it was too big. I don’t have an exact figure, but whatever it was, it was too big. There appeared to be a real effort to conceal it, which is absolutely unacceptable,” de Blasio said Monday night on NY-1, adding, “That’s just not acceptable. I mean, we’ve been through so much. And in fact, the Williamsburg community in recent weeks responded very positively, did a lot more testing and was being very responsible. This was amazingly irresponsible, just unacceptable.

A massive blaze broke out in the early hours of Tuesday morning in the Romema neighborhood of Jerusalem, trapping dozens of Chareidi families in at least six buildings due to the fire and heavy smoke, with rescue services spending hours rescuing families with babies, small children and the elderly. Some residents tried to jump from their buildings and one resident was lightly injured after jumping from his second-floor window, according to Kan s. The fire began in a storage room on the bottom of a complex of six residential buildings on Rechov Sorotzkin and quickly spiraled out of control, spreading to nearby cars, apartments and additional storage rooms. Dozens of families were caught in the buildings, unable to escape due to the fire and heavy smoke.

The General Services Administration ascertained Monday that President-elect Joe Biden is the “apparent winner” of the Nov. 3 election, clearing the way for the start of the transition from President Donald Trump’s administration and allowing Biden to coordinate with federal agencies on plans for taking over on Jan. 20. Trump, who had refused to concede the election, said in a tweet that he is directing his team to cooperate on the transition but is vowing to keep up the fight.

Just one day after NY Governor Cuomo blasted Satmar and threatened legal action for holding a “secret wedding” in Williamsburg that had around 7,000 participants, New York State Officials are warning Satmar that they better cancel a massive Chasunah planned for tonight in Kiryas Yoel. New York officials ordered the Yetev Lev D’Satmar congregation in Monroe to cancel “four large wedding ceremonies” scheduled for Monday evening where thousands of people are expected to attend — unless the ceremonies can be held following strict adherence to coronavirus safety guidelines.

A young woman has died and six other people were wounded in a shooting at an apartment building in Brooklyn that followed an earlier shooting near a Sweet 16 birthday party, police said. The first shooting happened shortly after 9 p.m. Sunday in the East New York neighborhood and left a 17-year-old boy wounded in the leg, New York Police Department Deputy Chief Michael Kemper said during a news conference. It wasn’t known what prompted that shooting. The second shooting took place about 11:15 p.m. in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood, and police said it’s believed to be related to the first shooting. A 20-year-old woman was taken to a hospital, where she was pronounced dead, police said.

On Monday, Mayor Bill de Blasio predicted the entire city was heading for an orange zone designation as early as next week. This followed Governor Andrew Cuomo’s press conference the day before where he said parts of Staten Island were headed into a red zone. That means schools, indoor dining, salons and gyms would all close. There would also be capacity limits inside houses of worship. Mayor de Blasio said that the city will be working to reopen schools, even as it heads towards the orange zone. Governor Cuomo also said parts of Upper Manhattan and Long Island are likely to advance to a yellow zone. The test positivity rate in the focus areas under NY's Micro-Cluster strategy is 4.48%. The statewide positivity rate excluding these focus areas is 2.73%.

A mysterious flight took off from Ben-Gurion Airport to Saudi Arabia on Sunday during Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s visit to the Gulf State, prompting reports that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu‏‏ and Mossad head Yossi Cohen had traveled to Saudia Arabia and met with Saudi Crown Prince Mahmoud Bin Salman and Pompeo, Israeli media reported on Monday morning. Walla News and Axios reporter Barak Ravid reported that Netanyahu held a trilateral meeting with the Crown Prince and Pompeo in the city of Neom. The plane was a private one owned by Israeli businessman Ehud ‘Udi’ Angel, which Netanyahu has traveled on in the past. According to air traffic reports, the plane took off from Ben-Gurion at 10 p.m. Sunday and flew directly to Neom and returned to Israel five and a half hours later.
