Over 20 people were arrested Wednesday night at a protest in Midtown. The large group of protesters marched through Midtown on Wednesday evening, demanding to protect the results of the election. They marched down Fifth Avenue and gathered in Washington Square Park, calling for all votes to be counted. The protest was peaceful, but police later reported incidents of people starting fires and throwing garbage and eggs. In a tweet, the NYPD said, “We appreciate and value the importance of freedom of speech. Our top priority is and always will be safety. We have arrested more than 20 individuals who attempted to hijack a peaceful protest by lighting fires, throwing garbage and eggs in Manhattan.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden acknowledged the historic nature of the election and how more than “150 million people cast their votes” this year during a speech in Wilmington, Delaware. “More Americans voted this election than ever before in American history. Over 150 million people cast their votes. I think that is just extraordinary. And if we had any doubts, we shouldn’t have any longer about a government of, by and for the people. It is very much alive, very much alive in America,” Biden said. Biden added: “Now after a long night of counting, it’s clear that we are winning enough states to reach 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency. I’m not here to declare that we have won.

“Despite ridiculous public polling used as a voter suppression tactic, Wisconsin has been a razor thin race as we always knew that it would be,” Bill Stepien, Trump 2020 campaign manager says in a statement. “There have been reports of irregularities in several Wisconsin counties which raise serious doubts about the validity of the results. The President is well within the threshold to request a recount and we will immediately do so.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
The post BREAKING: Trump Calls For Wisconsin Recount appeared first on The Yeshiva World.

Millions of ballots cast in the 2020 presidential election are still being counted on Wednesday as the White House battle between incumbent President Trump and Democratic candidate Joe Biden narrows down to a handful of battleground states. The fate of the United States presidency hung in the balance Wednesday morning, as the battle was on in three familiar battleground states – Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania – that could prove crucial in determining who wins the White House. The race is still too close to call, with neither candidate reaching the necessary 270 electoral votes despite early victories in some marquee states. Trump won Florida, Ohio, Texas and others, while Biden carried Arizona, Minnesota and New Hampshire.

Trump says “we were winning everything and suddenly it was just called off.” He says the campaign was ready to celebrate, and says “we didn’t win [Florida], we won it by a lot.” “We won the great state of Ohio, we won Texas by 700,000 votes and they don’t even include it in the tabulations,” he says, claiming also that he has won Georgia and North Carolina. Trump says “we have a lot of life” in Arizona. He says it’s possible they will lose, but there’s still a lot of votes to be counted. He says he is winning Pennsylvania by a “tremendous amount” — he says they are up 690,000 votes in Pennsylvania and that it’s “not even close.” He says he believes he has Michigan too, leading by nearly 300,000 votes, and Wisconsin.

resident Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden were locked in tight races in battleground states across the country Tuesday night as they concluded an epic campaign that will shape America’s response to the surging pandemic and foundational questions of economic fairness and racial justice. From coast to coast, races were too early to call in the most fiercely contested states on the map. AS OF 11:15PM ET: TRUMP SO FAR 148: Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Missouri, Utah, Kansas Florida and Idaho.

A Jewish man was murdered this morning – in what appears to be a jewelry robbery gone bad. Misaskim Los Angeles is on the scene in Downtown Los Angeles to ensure Kavod Hames. LAPD received a call reporting a person shot in the 700 block of South Broadway shortly before 9:30AM. An officer confirmed that a male victim had been pronounced dead at the scene. ADDITIONAL DETAILS TO FOLLOW JOIN THE TENS OF THOUSANDS WHO ALREADY ARE ALERTED OF BREAKING NEWS LIKE THIS IN LIVE TIME: YWN WHATSAPP STATUS UPDATES: CLICK HERE to join the YWN WhatsApp Status. YWN WHATSAPP GROUPS: CLICK HERE to be added to an official YWN WhatsApp Group. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Hagaon HaRav Yaakov Busel ZATZAL, the longtime Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Rabbeinu Yaakov Yosef of Edison NJ. Rav Busel was the son of an Alter Mirrer, and was born in Shainghai as the Mirrer Yeshiva was fleeing the Nazis. After hsi family settled in East New York, Brooklyn, the Rosh Yeshiva learned in Yeshiva of Eastern Parkway as a young Bochur, and then went to learn in Lakewood’s BMG until he became the Rosh Yeshiva of Edison for around 40 years. His first wife Rebbitzen Rasia A”H (who was Niftar in 1998), was a daughter of the Telsher Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon HaRav Boruch Sorotzkin ZATZAL.

Iran’s supreme leader mocked America’s presidential election Tuesday in a televised address, quoting President Donald Trump’s own baseless claims about voter fraud to criticize the vote as Tehran marked the 1979 U.S. Embassy hostage crisis. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei reiterated a long-standing Iranian position that it didn’t matter whether Trump or Joe Biden wins the vote, but the stakes couldn’t be higher for the Islamic Republic. The coronavirus pandemic forced authorities to cancel a planned commemoration of the Nov. 4, 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. A highway anti-U.S. billboard was seen in Tehran featuring a photo of former President Barack Obama, stating: “Whoever came inflicted evil.

President Trump and Democrat Joe Biden are in a near tie in Rasmussen Reports’ final White House Watch survey before Election Day. The latest national telephone and online survey of Likely U.S. Voters shows Biden edging the president 48% to 47%. Three percent (3%) like some other candidate, and two percent (2%) are still undecided. On the Monday before Election Day in 2016, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton held a 45% to 43% lead over Trump in Rasmussen Reports’ daily White House Watch. While Trump won the presidency in the Electoral College, Clinton ultimately picked up two percent more of the overall popular vote. JOIN THE TENS OF THOUSANDS WHO ALREADY ARE ALERTED OF BREAKING NEWS LIKE THIS IN LIVE TIME: YWN WHATSAPP STATUS UPDATES: CLICK HERE to join the YWN WhatsApp Status.
