Justice Ministry Probe Decides the Officer Who Beat Autistic Chareidi Man Will Not Face Criminal ChargesIt has been over a half a year since Yanki Rosenberg, the 23-year-old autistic chareidi man, was beaten without provocation by border police in Jerusalem. The beating was caught on camera, and a civil suit is expected.

Significant Increase in the Number of Avreichim in Kollels in IsraelThe Israeli Democracy Institute released this year’s data pertaining to the chareidi sector in 2019. According to the report, the chareidi tzibur is growing at a brisk pace, is earning more, and still prefers to vacation in Israel.
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 Two Jerusalem Apartments Completely Burned Due To Menorahs Left Unattended [VIDEO & PHOTOS]A Spokesperson for Jerusalem’s Fire Department issued a statement on Tuesday stating that two apartments suffered severe fires due to Chanukah candles that were left burning without supervision.

 Two NYPD Heroes Save Elderly Man Trapped In Burning HouseAn unattended Menorah was the cause of a fast moving fire in Queens, Monday night.
It happened at around 7:15PM in a two-story home at 73-35 173rd Street in the Hillcrest section of Queens.
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AGAIN! Dozens of Israelis Detained In Moscow AirportFor the second time in two weeks, Israelis were detained at Moscow’s Domodedovo Airport on Tuesday, Channel 13 reported.
“There are many Israelis being detained here for already two to three hours,” one of the Israeli travelers told Channel 13.
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 Only 6 Out Of 7 Immigrants To Israel Are NOT JewishA report published by the NGO Hiddush and released on Monday morning said that six out of seven immigrants who moved to Israel in recent years are not Jewish according to halacha, Maariv reported.
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Liberman Slammed After Tweeting Chanukah Picture With Religious GrandchildrenYisrael Beiteinu chairman Avigdor Liberman tweeted a picture of himself and his wife with their religious grandchildren on Sunday night in honor of Chanukah and was fiercely attacked by social media users, Kikar Shabbos reported.

 2 Alarm Fire On 59 Street In Boro Park [VIDEO]The FDNY has transmitted a second alarm for a working structure fire in Boro Park at 1166 59 Street near 12th Avenue.
The FDNY told YWN is a short statement:
“FDNY has transmitted a second alarm assignment for fire extension to the third floor and cockloft of a three-story private dwelling.
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 R’ Yosef Kahlani Z”L, Mrs Haley Sevitz-Varenberg A”HThe levaya of one of the victims of the bus collision in central Israel near Ben-Gurion airport on Sunday night, R’ Yosef Kahlani, z”l, 79, took place on Monday afternoon in Petach Tikva.
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 Boyan Beis Medrash in Modi’in Illit Ransacked, Sifrei Torah Scorched, Silver Ornaments StolenVandals broke into the Boyan Beis Medrash overnight on Monday in Modi’in Illit and ransacked the site, causing extensive damage, including scorching two Sifrei Torah.
The men who arrived in the early hours of the morning to the beis medrash were shocked to discover that the Aron Kodesh was breached and two of the Sifrei Torah were scorched.
