Hundreds of people flocked to the levaya on Sunday night of R’ Yitzchok Meir Weiss, z’l, a Bnei Brak resident who suffered a heart attack and passed away while sitting shiva for his baby son who was niftar from crib death on Thursday. R’ Weiss and his wife were married for three years before they finally were zocheh to their firstborn son, Yisrael, z’l. On Thursday, 5-month-old Yisrael was niftar and in a shockingly heartrending double tragedy, R’ Weiss collapsed at the shiva and was niftar three days after his son. Shimon Weiss, the brother-in-law of Yitzchak Meir, z’l, was interviewed on Reshet B on Monday morning. “The tza’ar consumed him but we didn’t see it. He didn’t show any signs that would have pointed to the tragedy that was about to occur.
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