ArtScroll Presents Magnificent New Siddur Designed for the Sephardic CommunityThere is something unique and overwhelming about the Sephardic Bet Hakenesset. It’s not just the stately décor and handsome furniture.It’s the respect for tefillah that reverberates from the walls, the tangible commitment to prayer, its chants, tunes, and laws, the total communal participation, its customs, and its atmosphere.

Is Accounting a Good Profession for Frum woman?(SEE BELOW FOR INFO REGARDING TODAY’S OPEN HOUSE!)
Q and A with D.B., a PCS (division of Agudath Yisroel of America) alumnus from 2015
Q: Is accounting a good career choice for frum women?
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 Aliza, Rescued Woman to Speak in Lakewood, Baltimore & Staten IslandTHIS WEEK: Aliza, Rescued Woman to Speak in Lakewood, Baltimore & Staten Island
Aliza, a rescued woman who was trapped for many years, to tell her story of how Yad L’Achim rescued her and her children. 
“He said to me, ‘If you leave, there will be nothing left to find.’ ”

Refuah Institute Trains Hundreds to Become Catalysts for Change in Their CommunitiesRefuah Institute Trains Hundreds to Become Catalysts for Change in Their Communities
Refuah Institute’s unique Torah-based coaching program combines scientific methods with Torah wisdom, empowering graduates to enable others to achieve success and fulfillment in their work and life.

Price Reduction For Immediate Sale 
Beautiful NMB home reduced for a quick sale.This 4 BD/2 BA home was newly renovated with no expenses spared – Granite countertops, brand new A/C, plumbing, and top of the line appliances.
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HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita Visits Aish World Center, Gives Bracha to Students and Rebbeim
HaGaon Rav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita, visited the Aish World Center, Dan Family Building across from the Western Wall. The entrances of the Aish World Center were packed with people trying to get a glimpse of Rav Chaim.

ArtScroll Presents Magnificent New Siddur Designed for the Sephardic CommunityThere is something unique and overwhelming about the Sephardic Bet Hakenesset. It’s not just the stately décor and handsome furniture.It’s the respect for tefillah that reverberates from the walls, the tangible commitment to prayer, its chants, tunes, and laws, the total communal participation, its customs, and its atmosphere.

Move To Norfolk! Tuition Incentives, Job Placement, Warm Community, And More!Visit our website at to learn more and schedule you visit to Norfolk, VA.
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Women in Technology- Flexible Hours, Great Salary, A Major Success!In many Jewish homes today the women are the bringing in a large portion of their household income.  In most cases, this is either because they are supporting their husbands who are learning, or just because it takes two incomes to make ends meet in today’s world.
