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A month to live. That’s what the doctor told dad this morning, that I only have a month to live. That in a month I will be gone, my body will crash, and I’ll just die at the age of 8.
At night, when I can’t fall asleep in the ward, I wonder about how it might feel to die: Do you feel anything? Think something? After you die, will you miss your mom and dad and want to return to the world? Or does only dad and mom miss you?

LAST CHANCE to TRIPLE!!! Win $36,000! + Trip To ISRAEL for 6!!! Donate $54 & up Get TRIPLE Chances!!! ➡️

מתעסקים! מעמד יום תפילה! Partner For ONLY $90 Over 50,000 TINOKOS SHEL BAIS RABBAN GATHRING TO DAVEN Partner with us for only $90 and have a child daven for your specific bakashos


HaRav Zev Leff will PERSONALLY distribute the money raised to help families in urgent need. 

Please donate generously – CLICK HERE.

URGENT VERIFIED FUND TO HELP FAMILIES IN ISRAEL. CLICK HERE. HaRav Zev Leff will PERSONALLY distribute the money raised to help families in urgent need.  Please donate generously – CLICK HERE.

As we approach Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the Yamim Noraim, it is a time for reflection, tefillah, and seeking kapparah. What better way to enter these holy days than by connecting with the tzaddikim and mekubalim of Yeshivas Shaar Hashamayim in Yerushalayim, led by Rav Gamliel, the revered Rosh Yeshiva? Shaar Hashamayim is not just a yeshiva; it is a makom kadosh where the depths of sisrei Torah are learned day and night. This year, you have a unique opportunity to gain a zchus by partnering with this sacred yeshiva. Rav Gamliel is offering a special Pidyon Nefesh ahead of these awesome days, helping you enter the Yomim Noraim with extra siyata d’shmaya. Join in the light of Torah and tefillah, and merit the blessings of the tzaddikim for a year of geulah, bracha, and yeshuos.

In the past 11 months, hundreds of women have tragically lost their husbands in the war in Israel.Now, these women are facing Rosh Hashanah alone. These courageous women are living in FEAR, STRUGGLING to pay bills, raise their children, and navigate life without their partners. The emotional and financial burden is OVERWHELMING, but YOU can make a difference. Ohr Hadassah’s My Happy Place has been a source of support,and YOUR HELP IS VITAL this Rosh Hashanah is no different. Let’s show them they are not alone. 🍎 Please continue to Support us: Donate today to sweeten their year—and yours. 🍯 


Fulfill seven mitzvos you’ve never performed 

With Rosh Hashana just around the corner, many of us are searching for ways to tip the scales in our favor. We give more tzedakah, say more Tehillim, and strengthen our shmiras halashon. 

But what if you could fulfill seven Mitzvos Hateluyos Ba’aretz—mitzvos traditionally reserved for landowners in Eretz Yisroel? 

L’Kayeim offers a unique opportunity for anyone, anywhere, to lease a grapevine in Israel and perform mitzvos tied to the holy land. These mitzvos, once the exclusive domain of farmers, can now be done by anyone—no matter their location. 

Here are the seven mitzvos you can perform through L’Kayeim: 

Maran Sar HaTorah Rabbeinu HGR’ Chaim Kanievsky zt”l used to say that whoever wants to merit a good year should donate 355, the gematria of‘שנה’ , to Kupat Ha’ir- the largest tzedakah organization in the world* Thirteen Gedolei HaDor, continuing the legacy of Maran zt”l, determined together  that the power of this segulah continues even after Maran’s passing, as tzaddikim are greater after their passing than in their lifetimes* Details to follow   A special segulah espoused by Maran Sar HaTorah HGR’ Chaim Kanievsky zt”l in the last years of his life was the focus of the recent assembly of thirteen Gedolei HaDor who continue Maran’s legacy.
