דיבורים נפלאים ומרגשים שנאמרו בתוך דרשת יום א’ סליחות תשכ”ח ומתאימים מאד לתקופתנו הקשה הזאת רבינו הקדוש והטהור, לבם ואוהבם של ישראל מרן הגה”ק מצאנז קלויזענבורג זי”ע ועכי”א עומד ומתדיין כלפי שמים, וטוען להקב”ה שכלל ישראל איננו יכול לשוב בתשובה בעוד הם שרויים בצרתם וסבוכים במצוקתם, ורק כאשר אבינו אב הרחמן יחלצנו ממיצר וישפיע לנו כל טוב ויגאלנו בגאולת עולם נוכל לשוב בתשובה שלימה לפניו. צו זעהן קליקט דא (23 מינוט)


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Yisroel G, a 34-year-old Lubavitch father of three, has been involuntarily incarcerated for four years due to untreated mental illness. Once a beloved entertainer, he now urgently needs funds for medical care, legal representation, and essential support. Without assistance, Yisroel’s health and chances for recovery may decline further. CLICK HERE TO DONATE Prominent Rabbonim, including Rabbi Aron Lankry and Rabbi Ariel Mekaiten, recognize this situation as a case of piydon shvuyim, highlighting the importance of this mitzvah. Your generous support can help Yisroel reclaim his life and reunite with his family.CLICK HERE TO DONATE

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Yisroel G, a 34-year-old Lubavitch father of three, has been involuntarily incarcerated for four years due to untreated mental illness. Once a beloved entertainer, he now urgently needs funds for medical care, legal representation, and essential support. Without assistance, Yisroel’s health and chances for recovery may decline further. CLICK HERE TO DONATE
Prominent Rabbonim, including Rabbi Aron Lankry and Rabbi Ariel Mekaiten, recognize this situation as a case of piydon shvuyim, highlighting the importance of this mitzvah.

“Telling your wife your needs and wants” is a complete waste of time for married men who want happiness and I’ll tell you why. So many marriage experts claim they have the secret to a happy marriage and that it all comes down to communication, boundaries and bringing in more money. They tell you to help out more at home, talk about the past, go together to a marriage professional but never stop to take inventory of whether ANY of these methods are actually WORKING in creating happiness and joy! I am not saying those strategies don’t work at all, but they are the long… slow… painful way of having a happy home.

During this last year, Shas Yiden officially opened its first US Kollel inFlatbush. This was a remarkable and singular occasion to have located,tested and accepted 14 avreichim metzuyonim within a matter of months.However, even more amazing was the pomp and circumstance that tookplace. It was perhaps unique for such a momentous occasion, because it didnot happen. Just a short welcome by the founder, the Pozna Rov, and a fewwords by the Rosh Hakollelim. Together with the traditional l’chaim andmezonos, it was concluded in less than a half an hour. The avreichim had notime. They had Torah to learn.

In Eretz Yisroel, every morning begins with the hum of hundreds of buses. These buses are not just transporting children; they are bringing the next generation closer to Torah and Mitzvos. This is the story of Chinuch Atzmai – a story of hope, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of spreading Yiddishkeit. Today, more than ever, when Am Yisroel faces unimaginable challenges—threats to our safety, the captivity of our brothers and sisters—it is our obligation to respond with more Torah, more mitzvos, and more commitment to our future. But 20,000 children learning about Yiddishkeit is simply not enough. Thousands more are waiting to join, eager to connect with their heritage. Dozens of settlements lack the basic means of transportation to bring these children to schools.

As world events spiral beyond our control, the power to triumph over our personal inner battles remains within us. The October 7th Ohr Naava Avinu Malkeinu event offers an empowering opportunity to prepare yourself for Yom Kippur like never before.
Featuring inspiring speakers such as Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro, Rabbi Eli Mansour, and Mr. Charlie Harary, alongside a special live performance by Shulem Lemmer with “October Rain,” this event promises to uplift and empower.
Join IN-PERSON or WATCH ONLINE – for women only.
