Hear Their Stories, Rethink Your Why

The Tzaddik Rabbi Shalom Arush on the special Segulah of the challah and wine of Rabbi Hanina ben Dosa: “Anyone who participates in this rare Segulah will bring miracles into their home, beyond the natural order!” Who among us does not need miracles? Do you feel you need a Yeshuah in a specific area? It is said that the Tanna Rabbi Hanina ben Dosa and his wife were experienced in miracles—nature did not affect them! The Kadosh Baal Shem Tov teaches that Rabbi Hanina is the pathway to miracles in this world! Through connecting to him, one can draw all the miracles that exist! Rabbi Hanina’s great power of miracles is especially present on Erev Shabbos.


The Tzaddik Rabbi Shalom Arush on the special Segulah of the challah and wine of Rabbi Hanina ben Dosa:

“Anyone who participates in this rare Segulah will bring miracles into their home, beyond the natural order!”

As we approach Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the Yamim Noraim, it is a time for reflection, tefillah, and seeking kapparah. What better way to enter these holy days than by connecting with the tzaddikim and mekubalim of Yeshivas Shaar Hashamayim in Yerushalayim, led by Rav Gamliel, the revered Rosh Yeshiva? Shaar Hashamayim is not just a yeshiva; it is a makom kadosh where the depths of sisrei Torah are learned day and night. This year, you have a unique opportunity to gain a zchus by partnering with this sacred yeshiva. Rav Gamliel is offering a special Pidyon Nefesh ahead of these awesome days, helping you enter the Yomim Noraim with extra siyata d’shmaya. Join in the light of Torah and tefillah, and merit the blessings of the tzaddikim for a year of geulah, bracha, and yeshuos.

Yisroel G, a 34-year-old Lubavitch father of three, has been involuntarily incarcerated for four years due to untreated mental illness. Once a beloved entertainer, he now urgently needs funds for medical care, legal representation, and essential support. Without assistance, Yisroel’s health and chances for recovery may decline further. CLICK HERE TO DONATE
Prominent Rabbonim, including Rabbi Aron Lankry and Rabbi Ariel Mekaiten, recognize this situation as a case of piydon shvuyim, highlighting the importance of this mitzvah.

Yisroel G, a 34-year-old Lubavitch father of three, has been involuntarily incarcerated for four years due to untreated mental illness. Once a beloved entertainer, he now urgently needs funds for medical care, legal representation, and essential support. Without assistance, Yisroel’s health and chances for recovery may decline further. CLICK HERE TO DONATE Prominent Rabbonim, including Rabbi Aron Lankry and Rabbi Ariel Mekaiten, recognize this situation as a case of piydon shvuyim, highlighting the importance of this mitzvah. Your generous support can help Yisroel reclaim his life and reunite with his family.CLICK HERE TO DONATE

Dreaming of owning a home in Israel, but want more than a cramped 5th floor apartment in the city center?Villa Galil makes your dream come true. Nestled in the serene, affluent Makosh neighborhood in central Karmiel, just a 25 min. drive from Meron, Villa Galil offers 22 stunning villas each meticulously designed for ultimate comfort and tranquility. Built to delight you with their striking architectural designs that capture Israel’s inner essence and make you feel right at home. Featuring:5 Rooms | 2 Floors | Private Swimming Pool | Private Driveway | Private Garden | Panoramic View Your dream can be real! Visit: VillaGalil.com for more informationEmail: info@VillaGalil.comCall: 732-201-6367 Sales by: The Puzzles Team

“Telling your wife your needs and wants” is a complete waste of time for married men who want happiness and I’ll tell you why. So many marriage experts claim they have the secret to a happy marriage and that it all comes down to communication, boundaries and bringing in more money. They tell you to help out more at home, talk about the past, go together to a marriage professional but never stop to take inventory of whether ANY of these methods are actually WORKING in creating happiness and joy! I am not saying those strategies don’t work at all, but they are the long… slow… painful way of having a happy home.

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The special knife directly from HaGaon HaTzaddik Rabbi Shimon Gala’i  shlit”a* With an engraved personal inscription from the Rav shlit”a, including his signature* To cut through difficulties with parnassah and open the channels of hatzlacha and siyatta diShmaya   Rosh HaShana is approaching; in a little while decrees will be written for all humankind. Yet one can still change them; one can improve before Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur arrive. Old parnassah difficulties can disappear in a moment; hatzlacha can shine upon a person this new year, b’siyatta diShmaya. What’s needed is just to open the channels of parnassah in Shamayim, and then abundance will flow down freely this coming year.
