The Tzaddik Rabbi Shalom Arush on the special Segulah of the challah and wine of Rabbi Hanina ben Dosa: “Anyone who participates in this rare Segulah will bring miracles into their home, beyond the natural order!” Who among us does not need miracles? Do you feel you need a Yeshuah in a specific area? It is said that the Tanna Rabbi Hanina ben Dosa and his wife were experienced in miracles—nature did not affect them! The Kadosh Baal Shem Tov teaches that Rabbi Hanina is the pathway to miracles in this world! Through connecting to him, one can draw all the miracles that exist! Rabbi Hanina’s great power of miracles is especially present on Erev Shabbos.

After the dreadful attacks of October 7, 2023, Israel and the Jewish people went to war on three fronts. While the army fights the war of bodies, and government officials and journalists wage the war of minds, every Jew on earth is a soldier in our war for wellness.We’re all combating anxiety, distraction, and stress. We’re all searching for meaning inside the madness. If we don’t invest in the war for wellness, we might lose the health, resilience, and faith we need for fighting the other wars. We can get obsessed with what’s happening “over there,” forgetting that our lives are happening right here. As individuals and as a nation, we might fall into anxiety and depression, or lash out irresponsibly in anger.


Everyone knows Agudah does a lot for the Klal.

But not everyone understands what Agudah means to their personal life.

“Telling your wife your needs and wants” is a complete waste of time for married men who want happiness and I’ll tell you why. So many marriage experts claim they have the secret to a happy marriage and that it all comes down to communication, boundaries and bringing in more money. They tell you to help out more at home, talk about the past, go together to a marriage professional but never stop to take inventory of whether ANY of these methods are actually WORKING in creating happiness and joy! I am not saying those strategies don’t work at all, but they are the long… slow… painful way of having a happy home.

CLICK HERE TO JOIN Everyone knows Agudah does a lot for the Klal. But not everyone understands what Agudah means to their personal life. From daf yomi shiurim to safe schools, mortgage assistance, business entrepreneurship and end-of-life concerns, Agudah’s work impacts every Jewish person living in the USA. With all the lobbying, legal advocacy, political partnerships, court happenings, and day to day tasks, the Agudah works for you every single day of the year. Please help us this year so that we can continue to build and strengthen Klal Yisroel. Transportation In the past year, Agudah procured millions of dollars in funding for busing to and from school in state across the country.

In just a few days, thousands of Lomdei Oraysa from around the globe will be celebrating the completion of Maseches Sukkah with the Oraysa Amud V’Chazarah  program that has revolutionized the Torah world.  With its many practical sugyos relating to the mitzvos of the yom tov of Sukkos, the completion of Maseches Sukkah is truly a cause for celebration. Thousands of hours collectively spent toiling over this Masechta, with many people investing time into extra rounds of chazara are now coming to a culmination.

The decision he had to make on Simchas Torah PLUS!  Deadline TONIGHT for FREE CASH!Early Simchas Torah morning, as alerts from down south began coming into United Hatzalah, Eli Beer convened an emergency meeting.  His initial instinct was to send out a call to all of the volunteers to head south immediately.  Then VP of Operations Dov Maisel banged on the table.  “Do you want to go to their homes and tell them that you sent their husbands to their deaths?” “At first I pushed back, but then I realized he was right,” Beer relates.  “We always say that our number one priority is our volunteers’ safety.”    None of them were sure what the right call was.

“Telling your wife your needs and wants” is a complete waste of time for married men who want happiness and I’ll tell you why. So many marriage experts claim they have the secret to a happy marriage and that it all comes down to communication, boundaries and bringing in more money. They tell you to help out more at home, talk about the past, go together to a marriage professional but never stop to take inventory of whether ANY of these methods are actually WORKING in creating happiness and joy! I am not saying those strategies don’t work at all, but they are the long… slow… painful way of having a happy home.

Ensure your name is on the shtender of “The Chofetz Chaim of our generation” during Rosh HaShana, Aseres Yemei Teshuva, and Ne’ilah. Rav Yitzchak Koldetzki & Rebbetzin Koldetzki are seeking urgent help for a prominent Talmid Chochom who is critically ill. They believe this is a matter of pikuach nefesh. Rebbetzin Koldetzki encourages donations of $298, which corresponds to the gematria of mercy The Rebbetzin promises that those who contribute will receive blessings for a good year, health, and happiness, and their names will be included in her husband’s tefillos during Rosh HaShana, Aseres Yemei Teshuva, and Ne’ilah of Yom Kippur. Rebbetzin Koldetzki will also daven for donors during hafrashas challah and the lighting of candles on Erev Rosh Hashanah and Erev Yom Kippur.

Ensure your name is on the shtender of “The Chofetz Chaim of our generation” during Rosh HaShana, Aseres Yemei Teshuva, and Ne’ilah. Rav Yitzchak Koldetzki & Rebbetzin Koldetzki are seeking urgent help for a prominent Talmid Chochom who is critically ill. They believe this is a matter of pikuach nefesh.
