The time is now…they need your support.
There’s just something exciting about the pre-Yom Tov rush. The hectic driving, the shopping plazas filled with cars, the packed shopping carts, the endless lines…. Read more on Yeshiva World News
Kosher Guru’s Kosher For Passover 2019 Guide features content curated by Team Kosher Guru. Enjoy The Recipes, Chol Hamoed trip suggestions, and the Kosher for Passover Restaurant directory. Keep us posted on what you ate, where you ate, and how you spent your Chol Hamoed! Recipes It’s hard to put together a list of the [...]
Kosher Guru’s Kosher For Passover 2019 Guide features content curated by Team Kosher Guru. Enjoy The Recipes, Chol Hamoed trip suggestions, and the Kosher for Passover Restaurant directory. Keep us posted on what you ate, where you ate, and how you spent your Chol Hamoed!
The following excerpt comes from the JewishGen Passover Companion 2019. It was written by Rabbi Chaim Yitzchak Greengrass, who describes how Jews imprisoned at Auschwitz-Birkenau managed to conduct a Seder. He writes: “The celebration of this Seder night left imprints on my soul. Now, when I perform the Passover service, I understand the meaning of [...]
I Never Imagined I Would
Ever Need Kimcha Depischa
“99.9% it’s not malignant”
The radiologist assured me. When I received the biopsy results that had been
taken ‘just in case’, I fainted on the spot. Read more on Yeshiva World News
Short Powerful audio and text of Chizuk on Emunah delivered via email Daily!
At Any Time
In Honor of Brian and Sandra Marcus by Abie and Sara Sitt
There are times when we need help from other people, but the way things look, those people might not be willing to help.
Finally, Pesach Noodles that are actually healthy! Try the new Heaven & Earth Veggie Spirals!
Try this delicious, low-carb Pesach recipe now: Vegetable Kugel Bites
On Pesach, we’re often looking for delicious recipes that don’t take a long time to make, and yet aren’t just potato after potato after potato.
Although the weather is frigid and Purim was just a few days ago , believe it or not Pesach is just around the corner! Homemakers everywhere are starting (or at least thinking about) the cleaning that comes along with the chag. Read more on Yeshiva World News
Watch 2 fascinating clips of the Liska Rebbe Shlita sharing insights and a halachic perspective regarding the minhag of his ancestors, Admorei Bais Liska who did not eating matzah on Pesach other than by the sedarim.
A 25-year-old man’s serious medical emergency was turned into a full-blown fight for his life last week, after an almost unbelievable series of events.
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