Talmudo Beyado – Revolutionary NEW Gemara DictionaryTalmudo Beyado
is a dictionary that uses a whole new approach to defining words in the
Gemara. The dictionary has a compilation of every moderately hard word
on every page of the Gemara and it lists them in the order that they
appear on that page, and this is done for every page of shas.

 Rabbi Shafier Of The Shmuz On Torah Life In Rochester
See what Rabbi Shafier from The Shmuz has to say about living “out of town” vs “in town” and about Rochester in particular.
See our website www.torahrochester.com for more details or contact us at torahrochester@gmail.com or 585-340-7143 to learn more or to schedule a visit!

These Easy and Delicious Kugel Bites Are Perfect for Pesach
Finally, Pesach Noodles that are actually healthy! Try the new Heaven & Earth Veggie Spirals!
Try this delicious, low-carb Pesach recipe now: Vegetable Kugel Bites
On Pesach, we’re often looking for delicious recipes that don’t take a long time to make, and yet aren’t just potato after potato after potato.

Just one more meaningful Pesach preparation….Just one more meaningful Pesach preparation….
Klal Yisroel is blessed to have amongst us thousands of cherished Kollel yungerleit who spend their days and nights holding up the world with their learning.   While these humble Kollel families are able to manage their expenses year-round by living simple lives, the heavy costs of Yom Tov are beyond what they can handle alone.

The Rebbe Continues Touching Lives in Extraordinary WaysThe Zohar teaches
that “A tzadik who departs
is to be found in all worlds more than in his life-time.” Famed Chassidic
Master, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement,
notes that this includes the physical world.

 “The Song Of Chullin” – In Honor Of The Siyum Daf Yomi Of ChullinJust in time for the upcoming Daf Yomi Siyum of Meseches Chullin, the Song of Chullin offers a concise, and joyful חזרה, highlighting 100’s of כללים and יסודות of חולין מסכת – all in rhyme!
Read more on Yeshiva World News

Group Traveling to Liska, Hungary to Mark 115th Yahrtzeit of Tal Chaim of Liska
In honor of the 115th Yahrtzeit of the Tal Chaim of Liska upcoming on 9 Iyar ( May 12-14)  a trip to Liska, Hungary has been announced. 

 An In-Depth Conversation with Kupas Yom TovBehind the scenes: An In-Depth Conversation with Kupas Yom Tov
Yom Tov is fast approaching, and with it, a multitude of expenses. The credit card is swiping continuously, yet the “To Buy” list still looms large.
Read more on Yeshiva World News

Beis Medrash of Kehillas Chaverim in Naclaot now Accepting new Talmidimבס”ד
Kehillat Chaverim, the anglo-centered community of young Olim in
Nachlaot is proud to announce the opening of it’s new Halacha Beis
Kollel Chaverim has been the Beis HaMedrash program of the Kehilla
for the past year.

  The Unforgettable Passover of 1943 in Auschwitz-BirkenauPRINT THIS FOR THE SEDER:  The Unforgettable Passover of 1943
in Auschwitz-Birkenau
