The following is a letter that was received today by all Ezer Mizion staff. They are currently in desperate need of equipment to save the burgeoning numbers of coronavirus patients in Israel. They are accepting all donations at this time to bring in the equipment they need. Dear Team,   We are in the throes of a new outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Israel is in lockdown. Thousands are being tested daily and the numbers of confirmed patients rises every single day. The numbers of people who are seriously ill, hospitalized and those on respirators is increasing at a frightening pace.   To meet the growing need, Ezer Mizion is in urgent need of additional respiratory equipment for immediate loan.

It is brought down in the sefarim (see sources below) that helping others in the area of Kedusha is the biggest tikkun for p’gam habris.  By supporting GuardYourEyes you are helping thousands of Jews in this area! Why is Erev Yom Kippur is the BEST day of the YEAR for this? 1. Erev Yom Kippur is the 9th day of the Aseres Yimei Teshuvah and is parallel to the Sefira of Yesod. Erev Yom Kippur is therefore a particularly auspicious time for tikkun of p’gam habris (see source below). 2. P’gam Habris damages the channels of blessing (Yesod) and stops us from having parnassa. It is vital to fix this before Yom Kippur so that we are written in the book of parnasa and life! (see source below). 3.

For the past 23 years, Tiferes Devorah L’Kallah has been helping Lakewood’s kallahs set up their new homes. About 300 kallahs a year “shop” in the beautiful showroom, outfitted with everything a kallah needs to begin her married life. TDL purchases quality items at wholesale prices, so the cost is about half of what the items would cost in a store…. and our kallahs receive it all at no charge! The kallahs set up a private appointment with a volunteer of their choice and choose dishes, flatware, linens, towels, small appliances and so much more. When they’re done, the items are loaded into their car and they leave with their dignity intact. This year in lieu of our annual “Evening under the stars” we are having an online “reaching for the stars” auction.

We all just stood on Yom Hadin before the Borei Olam asking for all the Tzaros of 5780 to come to an end. Tichleh shannah vekiloloseha….. But, while we make these personal requests, it is incumbent upon us to no longer ignore the tragedy that is unfolding before are very own eyes, in our very own backyards. Unfortunately, there are approximately 10,000 public school kids who come from traditional Jewish homes who attend public school all over Queens and Brooklyn. We come across these kids in local pizza shops, parks, and community facilities. But, do we ever ask what we can do to bring them back to the fold?

The “Help A Brother” campaign is now reaching its final hours at With only three hours more to go, it is essential that everyone join in this campaign to help one of our own, who has been impacted by the coronavirus.  Setting a goal of $200,000 for the Cohen family―Chabad Shluchim in Mariupol, Ukraine―the campaign seeks to alleviate the challenges the family must face during these most critical hours. Now, Rabbi Yossi Jacobson beseeches every single one of us to join and “Help a Brother” come home to his children.

Starting at 10:00pm EDT tonight Topic: Are we victims to our circumstances? Rabbi Simon Jacobson Zoom ID 645572066 phone: 929-205-6099  ID: 645572066##
The post Live Now – Let’s Get Real: Rabbi Simon Jacobson Live on Coach Menachem Show – Are we victims to our circumstances? appeared first on The Yeshiva World.

Starting at 10:00pm EDT tonight Topic: How Pain Shapes our Life Dr Akiva Perlman Zoom ID 645572066 phone: 929-205-6099  ID: 645572066##
The post Live Now On Coach Menachem: How Pain Shapes Our Lives With Dr. Akiva Perlman Ph.D appeared first on The Yeshiva World.

Agudath Israel of America has meant so much to so many people, on a klal level and to the yochid as well.  Today’s case in point: Over the last 75 years, Ohio resident Edith Frank, a Holocaust survivor, has been asked the same question many, many times: How did you manage to keep going during the war?   Her answer has always been the same. She pictured herself sitting around a dining room table, surrounded by her grandchildren. Decades later, Edith and her husband Henry were blessed with two beautiful children and seven wonderful grandchildren. The joy and the nachas were more than Edith could have ever imagined.

Starting at 10:00pm EDT tonight Topic: Paving The Way For Struggling Teens By Understanding Their Journey  Rabbi Shimon Russell LCSW Zoom ID 645572066 phone: 929-205-6099  ID: 645572066##
The post Rabbi Shimon Russell LCSW (Live from Israel) – Paving The Way For Struggling Teens By Understanding Their Journey appeared first on The Yeshiva World.
