CLICK HERE TO DONATE NOW A LETTER FROM RABBI BOCHNER, FOUNDER AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR BONEI OLAM Dear Friend, Over the years, Bonei Olam have played an unbelievable role to the tune of 8,700 babies. These are babies who turned couples into parents and gave grandparents additional nachas they weren’t sure they’d ever experience. I want to explain to you what is going on right now and what this campaign is all about. I have hundreds of couples waiting for help, and that help is contingent on us raising the necessary funds. As a result of recent global events, Bonei Olam is several months behind in funding and in desperate need of assistance. Hundreds of couples are waiting for help, We desperately need your help now. Otherwise, our avodas hakodesh is unsustainable.

In the two decades since its founding, Bonei Olam has continually said “yes” tens of thousands of times, helping, guiding, supporting and advising.  In a world where time stops for no one, couples who are faced with the possibility of a childless future are broken in more ways than one. It is imperative that they begin the necessary treatments once conclusions have been drawn about their medical condition. Of great importance is the atmosphere surrounding the couple, and positive, hopeful thoughts might be difficult to come by when weighed down by financial worries and other concerns.

In the two decades since its founding, Bonei Olam has continually said “yes” tens of thousands of times, helping, guiding, supporting and advising. CLICK HERE TO DONATE In a world where time stops for no one, couples who are faced with the possibility of a childless future are broken in more ways than one. It is imperative that they begin the necessary treatments once conclusions have been drawn about their medical condition. Of great importance is the atmosphere surrounding the couple, and positive, hopeful thoughts might be difficult to come by when weighed down by financial worries and other concerns.

Lakewood collectively remembers BINGO’s famous children’s shoe sale last year. Thousands waited in line for the opportunity to purchase beautiful, top quality shoes, at the bargain price of $40 a pair. For many, this may have been the first time they’d seen a specially designed item for the frum market, of the quality our community is accustomed to, offered at below market value. At BINGO, this type of sale is an everyday occurrence. BINGO entered the American supermarket scene with the motto “No Shticks, No Tricks,” and they’ve remained true to their word. After their resounding success in servicing the Brooklyn community, BINGO turned their attention to Lakewood.

No one can forget The Siyum. Though it took place in a very different pre-Corona era, its voices and spirit reverberate even throughout its stormy aftermath. 100,000 Jews gathering together is something that’s hard to imagine now- but we can relive the echoes of that resounding unity. What we now lack in physical proximity, we compensate with the greatest uniting force of every Jew: Ki Heim Chayeinu. Day by quarantined day, our learning keeps our focus from flagging even in these unthinkable times. In time for Kabbalas Hatorah, relive the magic of the Siyum! We were once again hosted by Rabbi Avi Schnall, New Jersey Director for Agudas Yisroel of America, and virtual event favorite Rabbi Elchanan Schwarz, LCSW.

No one can forget The Siyum. Though it took place in a very different pre-Corona era, its voices and spirit reverberate even throughout its stormy aftermath. 100,000 Jews gathering together is something that’s hard to imagine now- But we can relive the echoes of that resounding unity. Alone in our home but unified in our joint mission, we invite you to join our V’Nismach event TONIGHT, on Leil Erev Shavuos, May 27. What we now lack in physical proximity, we compensate with the greatest uniting force of every Jew: Ki Heim Chayeinu. Day by quarantined day, our learning keeps our focus from flagging even in these unthinkable times. And now, don’t miss the live V’Nismach event  right here TONIGHT (Wednesday)! In time for Kabbalas Hatorah, relive the magic of the Siyum!

Tonight: EMET Outreach Presents Gad Elbaz & Charlie Harary Join Emet Outreach tonight for an evening of music and inspiration. International music sensation, Gad Elbaz, will be live in concert at 8 p.m. Charlie Harary, renowned motivational speaker, will deliver words of chizuk at 10 p.m.. Click here to experience this amazing evening live! EMET is a campus and community outreach organization based in Queens, NY that has introduced over 3000 local college students to a life of Torah and Mitzvos. Tonight’s program is sponsored by Caring Professionals, a leading home healthcare company servicing the five boroughs of New York City. Caring Professionals is committed to providing professional and compassionate home health aides to treat every patient and family with dignity.

It’s a day the community unites in full support of those who have been on the front lines saving lives. It’s a day to show appreciation to those who enter the lines of exposure time and again in order to save another Yid. It’s the day we unite for our units. Today, is the Hatzoloh of Rockland campaign. Every time the phone rings at Hatzoloh, there’s a life hanging in the balance. There’s a panic stricken family afraid of losing the life of a loved one. And every time the phone rings, there is a member who stops his life and runs. He leaves his family midsentence and he runs to save a generation. He will never say no. He will never refuse a call. Because he knows the importance of saving a life. And so do you.

Imagine a Jew who has never heard of Shavuos. There are thousands in New York City alone. This reality is shattering for the future of the Jewish people. Enter Emet Outreach. For the past 16 years, this dynamic, Queens-based kiruv organization has been on the spiritual frontlines — helping unaffiliated Jews reconnect with Judaism, embrace Torah and mitzvos and ultimately build strong Jewish families. Emet offers multifaceted programming to guide and support individuals through every stage of their religious journey. Initiatives start at the college level and continue with young professionals and young couples.  Right now, Emet is in the final stretch of a critical Charidy campaign to continue their life-changing, transformative work.
