In wake of antivax fallout, US podcaster says his use of the N-word and calling a Black neighborhood 'Planet of the Apes' is 'regretful and shameful'

Despite rift, former bandmates join Neil Young in asking their labels to remove their recordings from the streaming platform over COVID misinformation

California-based songwriter who had much of her success in the 1970s, is the first prominent musician to join Young's effort

Veteran rock star's music to be removed from streaming service after he protested podcast featuring prominent figure who spreads COVID misinformation

The Mizrachi pop singer released a song each day from his newest album, 'The 8,' with all eight at the top of the charts

Spotify and others hoping to blow dust off Mideast business and capture large populations of region's hyper-connected youth

Music service says it prohibits content that it 'offensive, abusive, defamatory, pornographic, threatening, or obscene'; profiles registered to Adolf Hitler remain online

Users on music service can register themselves as Nazi leader, post swastikas or name a playlist 'Auschwitz Train Sing Along'; company says it conforms to German gov't standards

Born in Ramat Gan as Nir Tibor, the singer says he hopes to break glass ceiling for other local artists, says he has no plans to move abroad: 'It's good here'