Health Ministry warns public to stay in cool environments, drink lots of water and avoid physical exertion

Temperatures expected to rise above 35 degrees Celsius throughout the eastern part of the country

With melanoma cases on the rise, Israelis are urged to schedule free dermatology checks, take precautions, and protect children and youth under 18

Higher-than-average temperatures will last until at least Thursday, with firefighters anticipating potential blazes

Political reporter Jeremy Sharon on a radical Religious Zionist party and plans to curb violence against women; real estate writer Danielle Nagler on housing issues in the election

Nature and Parks Authority blames increases in huge schools of the gelatinous creatures in Mediterranean on human behavior, including pollution, climate change

Marine biologist says the tentacled creatures have been spotted several kilometers off coast, are expected to make landfall in 1-2 weeks

Infections, hospitalizations and deaths all plummet as vaccination drives accelerate across continent, allowing for further reopening and some semblance of normalcy

Comparing records from past 30 years, Israel Meteorological Institute suggests that as early as 2050, summers could be almost two degrees warmer

Summer Camps Israel gathers a forum of 30 camps and youth organizations in order to create better summertime options
