Monopoly isn't just a board game for Lobby 99's director of public policy. This week, we hear how a mere handful of powerful companies control prices in almost every sector

Some 50 stores to launch on Tuesday, with 100 more planned to open by year's end, as Israelis grapple with price hikes

Olive growers and oil producers seek greater exposure for their product, cultivated and pressed in small batches but suffering from competition with cheaper, lower-quality imports

Israel’s largest supermarket chain will be using at least 2,000 of Shopic's cameras and screens in 30 stores by the end of next month

By combining data, Wasteless can gradually lower the price of an item to appeal to customers, while maximizing a retailer's margins and slashing waste

PM stresses that the government backs market competition, warns days of 'irresponsible' pricing are over; Dutch SPAR chain inks deal signaling intention to also open local branches

Finnish delivery giant opens first grocery store in Neve Tzedek neighborhood, as Israel joins 17 other countries where company operates food retail and delivery logistics

'Both religions teach peace,' says owner Ghufran Almusawi. 'Everybody is welcome. And if there are any items missing that they are looking for, we’re always willing to bring it in'

Guards say culprits mainly say they're not able to make ends meet after layoffs; most commonly stolen items have been canned goods, pasta

Largest supermarket chain also restricts purchase of hand sanitizers as manufacturers struggle to keep up; police called in Sydney when knife drawn in toilet paper aisle