Dozens depart in latest election's political culling -- from longest-serving lawmaker to some of the briefest, as well as 3 women of 3 faiths who each made history in their own way

Following epidemiological investigation, Tourism Minister Asaf Zamir and MK Tehila Friedman join those already isolated after Pnina Tamano-Shata diagnosed with COVID-19

Blue and White MK Tehila Friedman's searing maiden speech in the Knesset touches a cord with admonition that a Jewish state 'is not a given' and 'our differences are not temporary'

Nir Barkat, Aida Touma-Sliman, Tehila Friedman join growing list of government officials in isolation, including 3 ministers and the IDF chief of staff

3 attorneys and a journalist thought their dreams of entering the Knesset were over when they missed the threshold. But last month they got in, after a new law reshuffled the cards

Seven MKs enter Knesset to take up seats vacated by ministers, but one joins the opposition instead of siding with the government

Petah Tikva deputy mayor Uriel Busson to become party's newest lawmaker after Rabbi Baruch Gazahay dropped candidacy amid outcry over his comments disparaging women

Party leader Gantz meets with 4 incoming lawmakers, all women, set to join his faction; one additional replacement will side with opposition