Blood test developed by Tel Aviv University scientist provides detailed info on fetuses without associated health risks of amniocentesis

Many tumors are teeming with fungi that shed DNA into blood, and researchers say blood analysis could offer treasure trove of information to detect and to shape treatment

No human testing yet, but scientists say they've identified, and figured out how to fight, proteins that prompt brain cells to go rogue and lead to secondary growths

Traces of hallucinogen found in pottery from Tel Yehud; with new scientific protocols at sites in Israel, discovery may soon be just one of many exciting new 'firsts'

While previous research established correlation between social media platform and increased anxiety and depression, study in American Economic Review finds direct causation

Infusible to patients, antibodies are so powerful neutralizing the coronavirus they could eliminate the need for more vaccine boosters, peer-reviewed research says

Work starting on human drug after researchers discover specific brain cells are giving glioblastoma tumors energy and, when removed, tumors wither

Doctors today rely on face-to-face questions and answers to diagnose cognitive decline, but new peer-reviewed research suggests music may help make EEG-based testing viable

Health Ministry launches ‘precedent-setting’ national campaign to counter prejudice, but some experts say it has its priorities wrong and should be fixing the system instead

Hebrew U takes 77th spot in Shanghai Ranking, its best score in years, coming in 17th in math and communication; Technion and Weizmann Institute climb to a shared 83rd spot
