Neuroscientist Talma Hendler explains how brain structures and systems go out of whack due to extreme stress, and the importance of rebalancing ourselves
The post Something changes in our brains as we react to the traumas on and since Oct. 7 appeared first on The Times of Israel.

Seats in Smolarz Auditorium filled by images of the abducted, missing and dead, in an initiative organized by student union

A new paper from researchers at Tel Aviv University proposes a link between the disappearance of large prey and advancements in hunting and technology

'If you send one or two students to start, you are changing their lives,' says president of South Carolina State University, who joined recent trip of historically Black colleges

Researchers urge doctors to use overall body fat composition, rather than body mass index, to more accurately determine patients' health risks

New tech allows archaeologists to match unique chemical composition between axes and the geographic area where they were created, proving Homo Erectus organized complex expeditions

Tel Aviv University says it will 'uphold its practice of publishing tenders that address men and women equally'; Bezalel art school to use only feminine form for a month

Move meant to disassociate the university from the family accused of profiting while fueling destructive opioid crisis

Bright colorsת fruity flavors, and nicotine are getting kids as young as 12 hooked on vaping, while adults' outdoor secondhand smoke is embedding itself deep in children's bodies

Volunteers in joint study with UCLA did 10% better on recall tests, demonstrating how communication between hippocampus and cerebral cortex helps consolidate memories while asleep
