
By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
                In Vayikra 2:13, the Torah commands us that on all Korbanos must be salted. We learn from the gemara in Menachos 21a that the salting must be done, even on Shabbos. Why do we need a posuk stating that we are allowed to salt the korban on Shabbos when there is no issur De’Oraysa to salt on Shabbos? Perhaps, salting the animal is as if he is tanning the animal. This is not the case, since there is no tanning when it comes to food and it would therefore only be considered an issur De’Rabbonon. The skins would not be salted since each Korban required the animal to be skinned.

Borrer and Tzoveah

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld  
                Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 318:1 discusses if a person cooks on Shabbos or does any other melachah intentionally, it is forbidden to the person who did the aveira forever and to others it is muttar after Shabbos. If the person did it beshogeg, it is forbidden on Shabbos; however, on Motzai Shabbos it is muttar for both him and others right away. If someone did Borer and took out one food from another food it would stand to reason that the food is assur on Shabbos. What would happen if he remixes the food and it is as it was before? Would the food be permissible?

Breaking Tablets

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
                In Shmos 34:1 Hashem tells Moshe to cut out two new tablets similar to the first ones and, “I will write on these tablets “asher shibarta” (that you broke.)” The gemara in Shabbos 87a says from the above posuk we see that Hashem was happy that Moshe broke the luchos. Moshe used a kal vachomer to explain. We know that the Torah forbade a ben nechar from eating the korban Pesach. If this is so for one mitzvah; kal vachomer it is for all of the Torah. All the Yidden became meshumadim with the eigel so of course they don’t deserve the luchos. Hashem agreed with him and said the word “asher” as  “Yasher Koach.”
