by Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
In this week’s Inner Dimension shiur with LPI founder R’ Yaakov Klein, we delve into the depths of parshas Korach through the lens of two incredible teachings from the Tiferes Shlomo and the Mei HaShiloach zy”a. In this shiur, we discuss what our generation is being called upon to accomplish as well as explore a radical and revolutionary way of viewing challenges and failures in avodas Hashem. Full of depth, warmth, and inspiration, this shiur is the perfect way to bridge the gap between the mundanity of the week and the exalted holiness of Shabbos Kodesh.

by Rabbi Berach Steinfeld 

How a Black Congresswoman and the Lubavitcher Rebbe Created the Food Stamps Program
Dedicated by Shidrokh Movtady, in honor of Matthew Issac ben Chana Sarah The Chabad centers of Florida’s Gulf Coast joined together to honor the 26th yartzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
On Tuesday, 24 Sivan, 5780, June 16, 2020,  Rabbi YY Jacobson presents this lecture on zoom to hundreds of Jews of the Gulf coast on the topic of cultivating a life of happiness, positivity and optimism.
